Welcome to another Friday and therefore another round of Best and Worst. I almost feel like if you’re reading this, you already know the drill – but if you don’t, let me take you through it again.
Best and Worst is where we gather weekly, like one big happy and slightly dysfunctional family, to discuss the highs and lows of our week. The good bits, the bad bits, the super-average bits – it’s all up for discussion, so grab a cup of tea and put your feet up.
I’ll kick off, as is tradition:
Best: I spent most of the week at a beautiful yoga retreat just an hour north of Sydney. Three hours of yoga per day, meditation (which I’ve never really done before – not properly anyway), an amazing massage and a whole lot of beautiful, organic food makes for an incredibly happy and relaxed Nat. I’ve come home with a real understanding of what I need to change up in my life to improve it, health-wise. Better food, more sleep and more relaxation are all at the top of the list. (For those who are interested, I went to Billabong Retreat – but more on that later.)
Worst: Life has thrown me straight back into the crazy daily grind upon return. Someone find a way to add some extra hours into the day. Please?
OMM: The continuation of MM’s Body Positive project – what’s the body-shaming comment that you won’t let bother you anymore?
What was your best and worst of the week?