Put the kettle on, pour a cup of whatever takes your fancy and let’s get started with the weekly exhale that is best and worst. If you haven’t come across this weekly post before it’s where we reveal the high and lows of the week that was. Think of it as your free group therapy.
I’ll go first.
BEST: Some avid Mamamia readers might have seen my post last week about my wheels falling off. WELL, this week my FIFO husband flew back in and it’s my best this week because it was so lovely to operate as a family unit again. Even though I have been quickly forgotten as my husband is definitely the apple of my daughter’s eye.
WORST: This technically didn’t happen this week but I can’t stop thinking about it. And I haven’t worked out what I can do about it just yet but maybe by talking about it I can help someone.
When I was waiting in the emergency department of the children’s ward last week there were two teenagers that were admitted for attempting to commit suicide within half an hour of each other. The 16-year-old male was known to the staff as he had attempted to commit suicide a couple of days before and the 14-year-old girl was brought in by her mother. I wanted to reach out to them and tell them it gets better. I wanted to hug the mother. I wanted to know where the boy’s parents were.
Although I was there with my sick daughter, my situation paled in significance. I immediately fast-forwarded my life and put myself in the shoes of the parents and I just couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have a child who didn’t want to live. I urge everyone to talk to the teenagers in their lives, ask them how they are, what they’re excited about, where they’re at in life. The Kids Helpline has some great resources on teen suicide and talking to adolescents about depression, you can visit their website here.
Editor’s note (AKA pleasant request):
Howdy ho neighbourinos.
We are running a fantabulous Mamamia survey.
Why, you ask? Well, we want to know more about you, so that we can serve you up the best possible content each and every day on Mamamia.
Also, as you know advertising is a daily reality of the media world and we want to make sure we’re delivering you ads for stuff you actually care about and are interested in.
If you can spare us 5 minutes to fill this little baby out, it would be very much appreciated. In fact you would have our unending gratitude plus we will send Ryan Gosling to your house as an expression of our thanks.*
Click here to access the survey.
Thanks in advance.
Jam – Ed.
*Okay, the whole Ryan Gosling thing is big fat lie but there ARE some rather excellent prizes to be won for those who decide to get their survey on. Have fun!
AND drum roll please – we’re happy to announce the winner of the Metalicus Mother’s Day competition is Amy Chiu of Revesby, NSW. Congratulations to Amy who has won a $1,000 Metalicus wardrobe and personal styling session.
Over to you, what’s your best and worst this week?