Like most Frosty Fruit-guzzling Australians, I love the summer break. Doing, watching, eating and reading whatever I like, whenever I like – I’m all over it like a hormonal teenager on a One Direction poster.
But for the first time in my life, I was itching to swap my ‘watching six consecutive episodes of Mad Men with cider in hand’ holiday lifestyle to go back to work last week.
No, really.
Let me explain before you reach over to check my temperature.
I’ve been interning here at Mamamia since August, in tandem with my final semester of study. Just before Christmas, in the midst of a post-graduation “Uh… what now?” crisis, I was asked whether I’d be interested in joining the MM editorial team for a few days a week. After administering a pinch to my forearm to determine that, no, this was not actually a sugar-induced hallucination, I accepted faster than you can say “dream job.”
And so, here I am, loving the working life. The MM office is a fun, friendly, fast-paced – and yes, sometimes quite stressful – place to work, and there’s NEVER a dull moment.
Within the space of fifteen minutes I could be loading posts on the latest controversy in politics, researching for a story about foreign affairs, or locating the most recent image of an eligible male celebrity. It’s exciting and mentally stimulating in a way that three-hour brunches – whilst delicious and relaxing – are not.