
Best and worst of the week







Happy Friday and welcome to another round of best & worst of the week. It’s time to grab a cup of tea (or glass of wine depending on what time it is), sit back and share a few moments of the week that stood out. For better or worse.  I’ll start.


We have been working on iVillage for a while now, tweaking it, polishing it, fawning all over it and generally falling in love. And this week we clicked the ‘on’ switch.

The site looks phenomenal and there’s so much content that it’s hard not to get completely absorbed by it. I’ve had to sanction my time very carefully because of posts like this, this and this, not to mention whole categories like this, this and this.  Believe me, a tub of Ben and Jerry’s and an hour or two of iVillage go down very well.

iVillage is different from Mamamia in a number of ways, so I’m sure you’ll have just as much fun discovering iVillage as you do coming back to Mamamia. There is space for both of us in your lives. So visit and visit often –

Well done to team iVillage, the tech team (Tiger and Nanthees) who have literally worked day and night to get this up and running so smoothly and to Lana and Nicky who have become so devoted to iVillage they are literally creating a Village in their office space.

WORST: Germs. Colds. Sick kids. Sick me. Sick of sick. Nothing major. Few days working from home because the Internet doesn’t care how often you need to blow your nose. Oh! And I got a flu injection. I’m embarrassed to say that I actually tried to Instagram my flu injection but I couldn’t work out how to get the right angle with my phone while the doctor was jabbing my other arm. I tried to rope in my kids to do it but they were hiding in the corner. Wimps.

How is your week going? What were your best and worst bits of the week?

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