
Best and Worst of the week

Two of my "bests" this week ... my fresh roses and the Holiday Goddess book

It’s not often I get to be with Mia and whole MM team in person so when it comes to kicking off Best and Worst this week, my flying visit to Sydney to hang with the peeps, meet Lucy in person (after months of Skype chatting), appear on Mamamia on Sky (my episode airs tonight!) and eat some of Lucy’s homemade choccy biscuits is top of the list.  Working from home is wonderful and I love it  but there’s nothing quite like being able to  hear Nat’s laugh, see Rick’s face when I tease him or admire Lana’s rocking blue nailpolish in person. Know what I mean?

What are my other bests this week?  I have a few … our roses are in full bloom in our front garden, so I’ve started keeping a vase of fresh flowers on my bedside table.  We bought a new coffee machine (Brad is a total coffee-freak … I’m more into tea). Anyway, as the person who makes Brad a coffee most mornings, I am loving it sick.   And this week I received in the mail my delicious copy of The Holiday Goddess Guide to New York, Paris, London and Rome.  It has a fabric cover! Some of you know that when I’m not writing for Mamamia or the Sunday Mail or my own books or the weekly grocery list, I’m filing stories for the Holiday Goddess website as one of their 30 contributing editors. So I’m really proud of this book which is brimming with the best bargainista advice for vintage stores, bistros, bars, hotels, boutiques and beauty spots in four of the most glamorous cities on the planet. (End of plug!)

Worst: I. Must. Clean. My. Car. This. Weekend.  And  I’m a leetle, tiny bit nervous about a joke I made about Sam de Brito on tonight’s episode of Mamamia on Sky.  Part of me is praying they cut it out (I don’t think they’re going to). It’s an old Marx Brothers joke and it sounded funny in my head but then when I said it … well, let’s just say everyone’s jaws dropped. Uh-oh.

So, what’s your week been like?  Big or small, whatever you’ve been dealing with, come and share.  You’ll find a room full of strangers here who are ready to offer you a sympathetic ear or a hearty cheer. If you ask me, Best and Worst is when the Mamamia community is at its best.

Over to you … what were your best and worst moments of the week?


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