
Best and Worst: Kitchen tours and play-dates.


Shauna and Odie






Happy Friday.

This is my first best and worst and I feel pretty honoured to draw the straw, as it is such a Mamamia institution.  I’ve been hoping for a while to get the gig and today’s my turn so I am going to jump straight into it.


I’m helping out with a few posts for KFC this week and so I really knew what I was talking about when they took me on a tour of one of their kitchens in a massive flagship store they have in Sydney.

I bet you are surprised that this has made my best list cause if you are anything like me you are thinking all sorts of the usual assumptions we make about the fast food industry.

Just as an FYI, you should know that this week’s Best and Worst is sponsored by KFC.  But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.

It was an interesting choice for this tour as I am such a gung-ho, my-kids-are-NEVER-going-to-eat-junk-food wowser.

It’s a bit hypocritical actually (and I realise that) because I am a total chocoholic who actually has a crisis if there is no chocolate in the fridge at night. (There always is as I am super organised when it comes to my nutritional needs) … And I am all for having a Friday or Saturday night off cooking and we have take-away Chinese/pizza/chicken-and-chips from the local shopping strip.

So it’s a bit much that I get on my high horse and preach how MY KIDS have never had KFC or any of the other fast foods out there while they are happily munching into a deep fried spring roll washed down by lemonade.


Well this tour surprised me.

I was allowed to bring my five-year old son, Odie with me (such a cool work place, if only others were so accepting of working Mums) and a few things made me eat my words – the main one being the fact that all the chicken is fresh – not frozen – and they actually prepare the whole kit and caboodle on site. One hard working young guy even pulls out all the yucky bits of the chicken before he hand rolls it in flour and cooks it.

“I yelled at someone’s kid.”

I had my first taste of a wrappy salady chicken thing and it was delish. (They call it a chicken salad twister)

And Odie devoured his lunch, which I saw all prepared before my very eyes.

Obviously I am not going to be having this every day, but in all honesty I am not going to be so afraid of this kind of food anymore.


I yelled at someone else’s kid. It was a friend of my three-year old here on a play-date and she was throttling my daughter with a plastic Elsa doll. I couldn’t stop her. So I yelled. She actually cried and I felt terrible.

Is it ever ok to yell at someone else’s kids when they are on your watch? I’m not so sure. I told her Mum when she arrived to pick her up and all she said was, “good on you, I yell at her too”.

So over to you… Hit me with the best and worst of your week. 


On Saturday 23rd August, KFC kitchens at more than 150 stores across the country will be open to the public for the first time for its inaugural Open Kitchen Day, giving customers the chance to see firsthand how food is prepared in store every day.

KFC takes lot of pride in its unique cooking process, hand-breading fresh chicken with The Colonel’s 11 secret herbs and spices throughout the day to deliver the iconic taste people know and love.

 You can register for a free Open Kitchen Day tour in their local area at 


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