It’s Friday! Friday! Gotta get down do Best and Worst on Friday!
You know the drill guys. This is the post where we all take a few minutes to reflect on what’s going down in our lives. It’s a bit like a catch up with friends over coffee (unfortunately it’s BYO treats). This is where we all share the best and worst parts of our week and also whatever else is on your mind. I’ll kick it off.
BEST: The weather!
WORST: The weather!
Seriously Sydney, sort your weather out! Yesterday saw me don a bikini and paddle around Bronte in the glorious sunshine. It was 37 degrees and in every possible way the best day to spend at the beach. Today? I wore a freakin’ raincoat to the office. Normally I love a bit of dreary London-esque weather but this inconsistency has been getting me down. Come on Sydney, I know Melbourne’s cool, but stop trying to beat them in the weird weather stakes – it is not going to make you any more popular.
OMM: The end of semester is looming which means it’s starting to get serious and all my big assessment deadlines are getting closer. Also I am running to be editor of my University newspaper so that means lots of campaigning hours competing with my study hours, that coupled with part time work and my infamous sometimes mediocre time management skills has me a little worried about how I’m going to survive. Or do my laundry. (Also if any of you lovely readers are at UNSW be sure to vote for me in the Student Elections in a few weeks time. Vote #1 Voice!)
How’s your week been? If you live in Sydney, are you in a love/hate relationship with the weather too?