
Best and Worst: Come and tell us how your week's been.




I don’t want to start a fight between the different kinds of posts on Mamamia, but I’ve got to say… I think I love Best and Worst even more than I love Open Post. Maybe because the categorical nature of Best and Worst appeals to my hidden, inner-librarian tendencies.

If you’re new to the game, then Best and Worst is the post each week where we can take 5 minutes out of your busy day to share the best and worst things that are happening in your life right now – and celebrate and commiserate along with other MM readers. I’ll start us off…

Best: Because I spend so much time reading news throughout the week, the highs and lows I remember are often made up of the most heartwarming – and conversely, most heartbreaking – stories I have read. My best this week was definitely the news about Labor’s Minister for Immigration Tony Burke releasing asylum seeker children from detention centres – a compassionate act which became his final statement as a Minister. If you missed that story, you can read about it here.

Worst: My worst was hearing reports of this story, about an 8-year-old child bride who died on the night of her wedding. It’s a truly shattering, tragic story – and a reminder of how lucky many of us are in comparison. If you’ve read the story and are wondering how you can make a difference to the lives of girls in developing nations, and help put an end to the gross humans rights violation that is child marriages, then you should consider learning more about CARE’s campaign and making a donation. They are a fabulous organisation that helps make a different to the lives of millions of women and girls every year.


The continuation of MM’s Body Positive project – did you participate this week? You can see even more fabulous post-baby bodies in the post here.

And now over to you – what have been the best and worst of YOUR week? x 

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