Another week has flown past and we’ve been run off our feet at Mamamia HQ. Just today we’ve talked about the women who sleep with other women for cash, we’ve helped solve your tech dilemmas with the new Mamamia Helpdesk, debated how many children are enough and read this beautiful post about perfection by Jacqueline Lunn.
Over the course of the week, we’ve talked about everything from anxiety and drugs to breast-feeding dolls and shock jocks. We drooled over Rob Lowe, confessed our book shames and discussed dating in 2011 and whether or not the phone call is dead.
Now it’s time to sit back and reflect the best and worst of our week. Remember your best and worst don’t mind to be mind shattering or huge – just the parts of the week that were best and worst FOR YOU. It’s a cathartic and addictive thing to do so if you have not yet joined in today;s a good time to start.
This week we’ve decided to go around the office to share our best and worsts, so we’ll start
Best: The review for my book in Spectrum on Sunday – you can read it here.
Worst: I’m finding it really hard to get up in the morning.
Best: Parent Teacher interviews at school. I am inordinately proud of my son
Worst: I burned my hand on the oven and stuck a huge sticky burns plaster over it. Turns out I am allergic to sticky plaster. Not pretty and VERY itchy. Oh and then the burn got infected. I think the doctor may have said I should never cook again. At least that is what I am telling my husband for the meantime