Like Sandra Bullock did to that bus in Speed, I have commandeered the post this week to share some big news.
I’m pregnant! With anticipation. I mentioned it in my open letter to the Prime Minister here, but at the risk of sounding like a slightly husky broken record (I’ve had a cold) I wanted to remind Sydney-siders about the marriage equality march tomorrow. I have absolutely no vested interest in plugging it here except, you know, it might be one of the biggest days in Australia’s history and, if we play our cards right, one of the biggest peaceful rallies we’ve held and it might change the futures of an entire group of people who have so far not enjoyed full equality in this country.
So, not a big deal at all. *Nods head up and down*
It’s my BEST because already this week it has been SO ridiculously lovely to see people across the country – straight and gay – who actually get why marriage equality is a big deal. It’s like being stuck in a big, national group hug. I’m not normally a hugger (ask anyone in the office) but I like metaphorical hugs. Where only our minds touch. Woohoo.
Lucy and I are spending a few hours today with a glass (or eight) of wine engaged in a Crafternoon of sorts as we make signs. There will probably be glitter and giant markers involved but beyond that we’ve not settled on any slogans. Feel free to suggest any below!
So, if you are not bedridden with Polio and believe in the cause, join us. I’ll be wearing a Liberace jacket in the colour of the rainbow. Here’s what you need to know: