
Best and Worst: How's your week been?

Best and worst.





Welcome to another week of Best and Worst.

Best and Worst (or B’n’Dubz if you want to help me popularise it’s gangster nickname) is a little spot on the site where you can tell us the best and worst things that have happened in your week.

I’ll start us off:

Best: I have discovered baking this week. Well, look, I didn’t discover it in the sense that Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto (there’s a fun fact for small talk at weekend sport.)

That title probably belongs to some clever Neanderthal who decided that, when it was her turn on her cave drawing club’s morning tea roster, she would one-up Mrs. Oog’s smoked wilder beast by throwing a heap of flour, sugar and eggs into an oven, setting it to 160 fan forced, and crossing her fingers.

Regardless, this baking business is new territory for me, and I’m hooked. So hooked, in fact, that I’m going to post a picture of some things that I and my lovely Thursday interning buddy, Liza, baked just yesterday. I know, right? Pictures of food on the internet. Revolutionary.


They’re sad faces because, as of next week, we’ll be interning on different days. (We wanted to eat our feelings.)



Worst: I really don’t like change. Absolutely hate it. And, unfortunately, this week it seems that everything is changing.

It started with ‘My Kitchen Rules’ (stop adding new contestants, Channel 7, I don’t watch reality shows with my ‘multi-layered plot’ brain screwed in), continued with changes to my bus route (new stops, all of which are far away from where anyone on the bus actually needs to go) and culminated in my realisation that, in under two weeks time, I will be officially starting my second year of university.

That means that the old “I’m a first year” excuse – which I use to cover everything from not knowing where a lecture theatre is to justifying why I still haven’t figured out how to print at the library – is no longer going to fly. I am actually going to be expected to know some things.

Which is a very scary thought.

Oh well, enough worrying – back to baking!

Mary is an intern at Mamamia, and a Media and Communications/Law student from Sydney. She can do the splits, wiggle her ears and tell you who won Eurovision in 1973. You can follow her on Twitter here.

Over to you! What’s been happening in your world?

And a final note from the MM team: On Monday we’re having an Oscars party! Join us on Twitter – follow the hashtag #MMOscars – for live red carpet updates of the weird, wonderful and wtf frocks. And as always, we’ll be updating our fashion gallery as the stars arrive. We’ll kick off at 10am.

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