
Best and Worst: How's your week been?






It’s finally reached the end of a long week and I think it’s safe to say we’re all ready for a nice long sleep in tomorrow. I know I am.

As many Mamamia readers know, the arrival of Friday brings with it our weekly Best and Worst post. Friday also brings us the opportunity to offload about our week –the good parts, the more average parts and the outright hilarious parts.

It’s my first post here at Mamamia being an intern this week so of course I’ve had an awesome week, but as always it hasn’t been all perfect…

Best: Being from little old Adelaide I can’t think of anything better than spending some time away in the big city.

Adelaide may as well be a tiny country town in comparison. Spending everyday in the Mamamia offices has been soooo much better than going to uni everyday that’s for sure. No boring lectures and no daily struggle to find a car park. I reflected this to my sister who’s away in Thailand, “yeah Thailand might be awesome, but today I made a gallery of Beyonce pictures” and I think we can all agree the yes, Beyonce is every bit as awesome as Thailand. This week I’ve had a taste of what it’s like to be an adult working an actual job –and I like it. A lot.


Worst: Coming to stay in Sydney hasn’t been without its pitfalls. And by pitfalls I mean hostel. Let me make it clear, I’m no stranger to hostels. I’ve stayed in hostels in Milan and Paris, even here in Sydney. Hostels are an affordable place to stay when you’re travelling, especially when you’d rather spend money on shopping – I when you think about it you’re only there at night. Herein lies my exact problem. All I wanted was somewhere decent to sleep so on Tuesday night after coming to peace the fact that my mattress wasn’t going to magically become soft, I drifted off to sleep. But not for long. Fast-forward a couple of hours and I’m being shocked awake by an alarm, ‘please evacuate, please evacuate, please evacuate’! Turns out with all the rain and thunderstorms it was just a false alarm but somehow I just can imagine the same thing happening at The Hilton. Best skip the hostel for a hotel next time –even if it means parting way with some shopping money.

On My Mind: The fact that I was invited to my local Sass & Bide’s V.I.P day the one week I’m out of town! What bad luck!

Let’s keep the ball rolling! How was your week?

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