
The 8 things all online shopping addicts know to be true.

We don’t have a problem, we can stop any time. We swear…

First, you come across The Item for the first time.

You picture it in your life, completing your wardrobe and complementing your latest lipstick find. You. Must. Have. It.

Then comes the agonising but important Assessment of Need phase. Can you live without it? Probably not. Credit cards limits are referenced, friends may be consulted, but ultimately, you already know.

So, with a satisfying click – it’s yours. It’s on its way.

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by StarTrack. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words. 

You have just experienced the ultimate thrill of the chase, the hunting and gathering high of online shopping. Here are eight things that all fellow shopaholics know to be true.

1. The last-minute purchase that tips you into the free-shipping zone is virtually a freebie, right?

When you are just out of reach of the free shipping threshold, the item you sensibly add to your order is really just a bonus, right? Avoiding shipping costs is a skill, and you are the master of it.

Related: 9 places that you couldn’t shop at online. Until now.

2. Stores that remember your details are like caring friends.

It’s almost a tease. “The card ending in xxxx?” Thank you so much for remembering! And you’re right, those suggestions at the bottom of my screen are just what I would buy. You know me so well, favourite store.

3. Buying multiples in a style you love is simply efficient.

When a shopaholic finds the ultimate, comfy flat shoe, the work pants to end all work pants: the multi-buy happens. Buying in different colours is simply common sense, but the true shopaholic knows that you are just thinking of your future self when you buy the same awesome shoe/dress/pant twice (or maybe three times).


4. Member-only sales are the equivalent of flying business class.

Being invited to shop a sale before the regular customers are is a high-ranking online shopping experience, up there with free delivery promotional codes and realising your size is the last available one.

5. Shops that treat their deliveries like presents have won you over for life.

When you buy from a shop for the first time, there is nothing quite like the thrill of opening your parcel to reveal another layer of detail – be it delicate tissue paper, a gorgeous ribbon, a casual but classy calling card. Yes, just yes.

Related: Editor’s Picks: 8 awesome online buys starting at only $14.95.

6. Tracking your package is a healthy form of online stalking.

While some get pleasure from tracking their runs, stalking their exes, or their exes’ exes, shopaholics get pleasure from tracking their purchases.

It’s like a game where you are always winning. From being processed, to being dispatched, to reaching the glorious ‘in transit’, the news only gets better every time.

7. The best shopping is done solo.

The best online shopping is from the comfort of your own couch, TV on, ugg boot-clad, make-up free, and multi-tasking at Olympic athlete levels. Nobody else needs to witness that; nobody else can bring anything to this party.

8. Non-buyers remorse is to be avoided at all costs.

The Thing/Dress/Shoe you decided you could live without, until you realised you were wrong and went searching for it and it WAS GONE? It will haunt you. You will visualise The Item for months to come. It is a risk far too great.

What’s your favourite place to shop online?


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