“Wow. Wow. Wow.”
That is the only word my brain could muster up while watching the first ten minutes of Being Lara Bingle. I have never succumbed to the ‘Bingle Bashing’ and I still intend not to. However last night’s episode was some of the most irresponsible telly I have seen in yonks.
If you missed it allow me to recap for you.
After pictures of Lara in her bikini with cellulite on her arse taken six month ago re-emerged (welcome to 25 Lara), a conversation between Lara and her mate Hermione took place about shedding some kilos. FIVE kilo’s to be exact. Seriously? Two beautiful healthy looking girls on national TV declaring they were going on a diet to lose FIVE kilos! Is it just me or is this NUTS??
I was waiting for the punch line but quickly realised there was none.
The sad reality set in that I just was watching Lara Bingle talk about “apple cider vinaigrette and dandelion tea.”
All they had to do was drink “juice and vegetable broth” and it magically halved their boob size.
Lara has chosen to be in the public eye and responsibilities come along with that choice. It’s beyond disappointing that she and the producers of her show allowed such ludicrous conversations about weight and dieting go to air.