An English Nanny with a British accent who is fluent in French and Spanish, she must hold a Masters Degree and play piano.
This is the average request from the wealthy clients that call Nanny & Butler Domestic staffing agency looking for top notch Nannies to look after their children. Sure it might sound impossible, but they are willing to pay good money for it. (Around $150,000 per year or more to give you an idea!)
Since the rise in celebrities hiring nannies who speak multiple languages to care for their children, the elite world has caught on.
Look at Angelina Jolie whose brood of six children speak seven languages between them! Almost each nanny they have speaks a different language to ensure their children become bilingual.
Listen: On the latest episode of This Glorious Mess, we know they’ve got ’em, so why don’t we ever see celebrities’ nannies?
Many of these families are celebrities, royals, and high net-worth families. They will hire at least one nanny per child, some will hire two or three per child. A head nanny with two assistants is very common in many Middle Eastern families.
Some families request help seven days a week with 24-hours cover. In these cases, they request two nannies for the one child. The nannies will work on a ROTA system, for example a week on and then a week off, being paid even on their time off.
Usually the families will request different skills in this situation. For example one Russian client requested two nannies, one English and one Italian so the child could learn both languages consistently. Both nannies though, had to be medically trained in case of an emergency, and not just your basic first aid, they had to have some sort of nursing or medical background.