If there were medals given out for incredibley impressive feats accomplished during motherhood, then I earned one today.
Today, I made baby food for my 9 month old son, Fin, from scratch.
From. Scratch.
You heard it. I peeled and chopped and steamed and pureed and… well that was pretty much it actually but still, for me it was a Martha Stewart meets Julie Goodwin moment. One of those times when – in my head at least – I earned a few of those elusive motherhood brownie points.
And trust me I needed them to help get me out of the red on the motherhood balance sheet. In the past week I lost several dozen points for random CMM (Crap Mothering Moments). I sent Ava to kindy with a lunchbox so full of store-bought items I thought I was going to get reported to authorities. And then I promised to jump on the trampoline with her and spent the entire time talking on the phone to her Aunty Mandy. While I was jumping.
So today, for me, taking the time to cook up an enormous batch of baby food for Fin FROM SCRATCH was a high-five moment.
Naturally, everyone’s Parent Brownie Point system is different. The bar is set by your competence. Luckily for me I’m an imbecile so the bar is set low. Really low. Look down, my bar is on the floor and you can step over it on your way to the fridge.