real life

What is a beige flag? Why everyone is suddenly talking about them and all the ones you probably have.

Beige flags. They're what so many people are talking about right now, comparing beige flags they've noticed in themselves, their partners, friends, or previous romantic relationships.

But HOLD UP... what in fact are beige flags? Are they better than red flags? Worse than green flags?

Why must there be so many flags!?

Given I'm someone that heard this phrase for the first time today in the office, I was immediately intrigued and began an investigation of sorts (very high brow I know).

What are beige flags?

According to my sources (i.e. the Internet), beige flags are an odd trait in someone that is not quite a deal breaker, but not exactly a plus either. Think of it as an odd quirk.

The idea of beige flags are now officially in the lexicon, considering chatter about them is booming across social media. You'll see videos online of people dissecting the beige flags they see in someone's dating profile, the beige flags that their colleague omits in the workplace — the examples go on.

Interestingly, 'flag experts' stress the point that beige flags are not exactly 'icks', rather are seen as idiosyncrasies.

Basically, we're all likely walking beige flags given each of us have a mountain of habits others might deem unusual.

But in defence of beige flags... they're entertaining to ponder over.

We decided to pose the question to 25 women — what is a big beige flag in their eyes, and why. Let's just say there were some very iconic answers.  

Beige flag examples:

"I will always leave a sip or two of my drink left in my cup no matter what it is. My boyfriend hates it."


"I iron my gym clothes."

"My partner will do the washing up (which I'm not complaining about), but without fail, every single time he forgets one item. He'll have washed up the pots and pans for an entire roast dinner for six people, and then there will be one rogue cup that his stupid boy brain just doesn't see. Drives me crackers."

"I find it a beige flag when people ask for a fork at Yum Cha."

"My ex's beige flag was every time I would say 'I'm going to the bathroom', he would say 'Don't fall in!'"

Watch: Mamamia Confessions: Our worst Christmas gifts. Post continues below. 

Video via Mamamia. 

"I have a really particular TikTok-watching routine at night, that I acknowledge is probably a beige flag of mine. Before my partner and I go to bed and start reading, I need my 'TikTok time' with my partner. But, we do not watch it separately, nor is she allowed to have any say in what TikToks we watch. I am actually the one who controls the TikTok and if I don't want to watch a video play out, then we are on to the next."

"I often ask people things I could just Google. For example, I ask someone what is the weather tomorrow, but upon reflection, could easily look it up on my phone."


"I like to cut my food into little pieces. Bacon and egg roll — cut into bits. A burger, I will cut up into four. I would rather eat lots of little things than one big thing."

"My husband hangs his jeans by the ankles with one leg on one line and one on the other so they look like they're walking upside down across the hills hoist. He gets upset if I hang them differently, I refuse to conform to his weird clothes hanging issues."

"All the time I panic order at restaurants, and then whine about ordering the wrong thing."

"I believe that cooking is equal to all the other household chores. So if I cook dinner that day, I think that should exempt me from that day's housework. Not many agree with me haha."

"I am picky about weird things. For example, I hate butter."

"I love to have a tall glass of full cream milk as a snack. I've been told this is rather odd..."

"I'm a really fast walker subconsciously. Like, really fast."

Listen to Mamamia Out Loud discuss the drama around beige flags. Post continues after audio. 

"I always say 'long story short' after or midway through telling a long-ass story with side characters, multiple plot twists and including information that was not at all related to the story at hand."

"It's a beige flag when someone's Instagram profile is just full of selfies."

"I only recently realised that most times after sex, I have turned to the guy and said 'Ahhh nice' just after we've finished. And now that I've caught on to it, I have to fully force myself not to say it each time after sex now."


"I know simply everything about stars signs, and always ask people what their moon and rising signs are."

"The way my husband does the laundry and folds clothes and towels — I find it super weird. It's not a big issue, he still folds it immaculately. But I just can't get behind it."

"Every time I have a technical malfunction with my laptop or have to put together an IKEA flatpack, I immediately get whiney and overdramatic."

"My partner says the word 'mall' instead of 'shopping centre'. He is not from America so he has zero excuse, and I find it very weird."

"I simply adore pineapple and olives on pizza."

"I am obsessive about not seeing a menu before going to a restaurant. I want the excitement of making a food decision on the spot."

"My beige flag is that I dunk my tea bag in my cup, even though the easier and more efficient way would be to simply let it sit and soak in the cup. But I continue to dunk my tea bag into the cup for about two minutes before removing."

"My dating app profile is full of dad jokes and even I acknowledge I am a walking beige flag of potential cringe."

What is your beige flag? Let us know in the comments below!

Feature Image: Canva/Mamamia. 

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