real life

Bec Hewitt has joined Instagram. Let the stalking begin.

Important update: Bec Hewitt joined Instagram and she didn’t tell any of us.

That’s right — after years flying under the radar, the woman we once knew as Home and Away‘s Hayley did a sneaky and signed up to everyone’s favourite social media site a fortnight ago. And somehow, she managed to keep it quiet.

How did we miss this? What prompted this decision? Why did she keep us in the dark for so long? No matter — we’re far too busy catching up on the posts Bec’s shared to do much detective work.

The 32-year-old has only uploaded four photos, but we’re already loving the backstage glimpse at her life. All these years we’ve been seeing her on red carpets and in the crowd at her husband Lleyton’s tennis matches, but our only personal insights have been gleaned from weekly magazine covers. And we all know how legit those headlines are.


Let’s walk through Bec’s posts (@bechewitt23, FYI) thus far and see what they tell us. Because let’s not pretend the stalking isn’t going to happen.

1. “Race day ready”

Here are Bec and Lleyton at the races last week. She didn’t give much away in her caption, but we know she was wearing a Manning Cartell dress. And look! It appears these two are still very much in love and not in the midst of a turbulent divorce/affair/27th pregnancy (looking at you, tabloid headlines).


2. "Sweet sister moment!"

Well, this is adorable. Here are Bec's two mini-me daughters Ava (left) and Mia. They already have more beautiful hair than we do.

Yep, Bec's kids play with iPads too. Some things are universal.


Another learning: clearly, Bec's back to blonde after her dalliance with dark hair earlier this year. (Post continues after gallery.)


Watch as some of our favourite Aussie celebrities share their secret talents. (Post continues after video.)

3. "Thanks for the beautiful hair and makeup"

Bec was among the crowd at the Spring Racing Carnival last week, and thanked her hair and makeup team for their lovely efforts.

Strong hat game. Very strong indeed.

4. "Happy 5th Birthday Beautiful Girl!"

Oh gosh. The cuteness: it's too much. Bec's first post was of her daughter Ava, who dressed up in Harry Potter garb for her fifth birthday.

We'll say it again: she's Bec's mini-me.

5. "What an honour to meet the wonderful, inspiring @oprah"

Bec was lucky enough to meet Oprah at a Swiss event. We are extremely jealous.


6. "Newcombe Medal tonight!"

Bec thanked her team behind her incredible hair and makeup before heading along to the Newcombe Medal.  And so she should - she looks perfection!


7. "So proud to be supporting @chrishemsworth"

Supporting The Australian Childhood Foundation with a few of her celebrity you do.


We're looking forward to Bec's upcoming posts (and perhaps seeing what her son Cruz looks like these days — we're betting on "cute").

Did you ever watch Bec on Home and Away?

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