
Meet our new Beauty Vlogger Idol.

Feature images via Instagram @bymeneka.

Meet Meneka Ratnasothy - The Glow’s brand new Beauty
Vlogger Idol for 2015.

Meneka impressed us all with her confidence and her out-there, attention-grabbing hair and beauty techniques.

She’s not one to shy away from a bold look – so get ready to see a LOT more of her on The Glow shortly. In case you missed it, Meneka and all our finalists created a gorgeous hair and makeup look thanks to bucket loads of awesome products from our partners Dove Hair and Australis Cosmetics.

To check out more of Meneka’s work, click here.

Want to know how to create super-sleek locks like Meneka?  Interested in how she gets bouncy curls?  Stay tuned for her Dove Hair Therapy tips and tricks.

We’d also like to give a special shout out to our runner up, the ridiculously talented Hannah Weir – with hair and beauty skills like that, we’re sure she’ll go far.

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