
Running late again? Here are our 5 best "on the run" beauty tips.

Universal truth: No woman has ever said she has too much time on her hands in the morning.

But when schedules get tough, we get tougher – by adopting kick-ass cosmetics shortcuts that make us look polished even when we’re panting.

Our motto for 2015 is to beautify smarter, not harder. And the key principles? Bookmark this page, they’re coming right up…

1. Synchronise your beauty space.

At work, it’s impossible to blitz your to-do list if your piles of papers are so high that HR has issued an avalanche warning. The bathroom is no different. If you’ve ever knocked something over and it’s resulted in a domino effect of cosmetics carnage, call the Tidy Brigade.

Move any products that you don’t use every day out of arm’s reach, then organise your go-tos in chronological order: cleanser, toner, serum, moisturiser, makeup bag. It brings daily returns when you don’t lose time (or the plot) trying to locate your eye cream.

Everything in it's place.

2. Double-up your makeup.

Pretty clever things can be done to multitask makeup. Blended well, a dab of lipstick can make an excellent DIY blusher, a shimmery eye shadow can fake a cheekbone highlighter, and a cream blusher can double up as a matte lipstick.

The hesitation point is that trying any one of these out in a rush might look great, or it might look like you’ve smeared lipstick on your cheek – so it might pay to practise beforehand.

 Related: Stick blush: the surprising reason this one works.

Better still are the products that have been specifically created to save you time, like Clinique Beyond Perfecting Foundation + Concealer ($50, available from and Clinique Counters nationally).

A two-in-one of probably the most vital products in your regime, it covers problem areas as well as your best concealer, illuminates like an under-eye product, and gives a dose of well-rested radiance to the rest of your face.

3. Try the T-zone blow-dry.

Just because I’m using the term “blow-dry”, it doesn’t mean that it’s code for “requires more arms than an octopus”. This is actually the laziest hair-drying move ever. (You’re welcome). Imagine a T-shape at the front of your head, encompassing the fringe (if you have one), front section of hair and parting.


Wash only this section in the sink/shower and then blow-dry the wet areas to give your hair enough new life to last one more day – but in a snip of the time of a full shampoo.


4. Warm your eyelash curler.

Weird but true: a warmed eyelash curler gives more impressive results than a cold one. Experts have long-advised popping it under your hairdryer for a few seconds, but this adds time to your routine – the opposite of what we’re after.

 Related: How to choose the right mascara for your eyelashes.

Instead, while you’re doing your morning jobs (ie eating breakfast), pop your curler between your thighs or in your pocket (hey, even inside your bra will do). The result will be a perfect, droop-proof curl.

5. Micro-build your brows.

If there’s one facial feature that can singlehandedly elevate your look from rushed to rested, it’s your eyebrows. Think of them as your face’s PA: stepping in to help frame your eyes, balance your features and make you look made-up (even if your morning’s really been a case of barely made it).

But in an attempt to beat the world record of getting brow-ready, many of us make a mistake that actually costs us time – and that’s using a brow powder that’s too dark. Slip up, and it’s a pain to rectify.

Runner up for best brows, behind Cara of course. (Image via Instagram)

It’s much more time-friendly to use a powder that’s slightly lighter than your brows, apply it in the direction of hair growth, gently fade it outwards – and add more if needed. These micro-movements give a much more natural look than going gung-ho with a dark colour and then having to re-do it.

These genius hacks have saved me time and time again, so I thought it was only fair to share with you. So go forth and enjoy that extra sleep-in…

How do you get ready in a hurry?

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