began a noble campaign some months ago: To maker the world a hotter place one ugly person at a time. The dating website exclusively for beautiful people started offering makeovers to the people they deemed unworthy of their affections.
Ridiculous as that sounds, thousands and thousands of people applied to get beauty, exercise, and diet coaching from the genetically blessed.
Here are just a few of the results.
Here is Polish student Aleksandra Pieczek, when she was rejected from the website.
And here she is after the treatment. She’s a cheerleader and a model now:
Here’s Alexander Siegwardt before he started working out every day for nine months to get accepted by this website:
Aaaand here he is, post make-over, when the website finally accepted him into their exclusive dating community:
Earlier this year, Kate Leaver wrote:
There’s only one problem with running a dating site exclusively for beautiful people: You’re not making money from the ugly ones.