
Welcome to the nightclub where you'll only be granted entry if you're "beautiful".

There’s nothing nicer than being granted access to an area on the basis of your appearance, right?

A soon-to-open Los Angeles nightclub is promising future patrons it will only be filled with “beautiful” guests.

At this point, you might be asking yourself: “Am I beautiful?”

The answer is yes, of course, but whether you are beautiful to them is entirely dependent on how you fare before a panel of “judges” — that is, the door staff on the night.


Club owner Greg Hodge told CBS Los Angeles the bar was an extension of his dating website, which carried a similar idea.

“We are very excited about the opening of our flagship bar,” he said.

“We will take the same ethos into this project as we did when we launched the dating site. We are simply taking the BeautifulPeople concept into the real world.”

Here is an example of the kind of "beautiful" crowd Hodge expects. (Source:

For the uninitiated, BeautifulPeople is an online dating service that only accepts "attractive" members.

The panel of judges who determine your entrance to the club is said to consist of celebrity trainers, models, Hollywood insiders and influencers.

Members of the BeautifulPeople website will gain immediate entrance as they have already been deemed "attractive" by who I can only imagine is Hodge sitting behind his screen with a bag of Doritos.

The interior of the club. (Source:

If you're concerned about not making the cut you may take comfort in the fact there are "rare exceptions made on the grounds of wealth."

How very... generous.

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