
BBC expert's live television interview on South Korea gatecrashed by his children.

Live television can lead to some pretty unexpected scenarios — which is exactly what happened when a live BBC News interview with Korea expert Robert E. Kelly was interrupted by his two young children.

Professor Kelly, a regional expert from the Political Science and Diplomacy Department of Pusan National University in South Korea, was discussing the ousting of the country’s president, Park Geun-hye, in a live television interview with the BBC.

Although the door to the room Professor Kelly was in was shut, his young daughter opened it and danced in while her father was fielding questions.

Professor Kelly attempted to push his daughter away while maintaining the conversation, but moments later a baby also appeared in the doorway, rolling in on a stroller.

A woman — who looked far more stressed about the situation than either of the children — then dashed in to complete the picture.

After a short struggle she managed to get both children out of the room, after which the interview continued — uninterrupted.

The footage was shared to social media by BBC World, praising Professor Kelly for managing to “keep his composure”.

The video has since gone viral, with many users saying they related to the everyday struggles of working from home — albeit not on recorded on live television.

This post originally appeared on ABC News.

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