
Where to follow Barack and Michelle Obama.

When Barack and Michelle Obama (sadly) gave up the title of President and First Lady of the United States they also had to relinquish all accompanying social media handles.

Anyone following POTUS on Twitter will have noticed Mr Obama’s details have been replaced by Donald Trump‘s, while Melania Trump’s office has taken over the running of FLOTUS.

It’s an unprecedented move – Obama was the first US president to use social media. So where does that leave Mr and Mrs Obama?

Don’t panic, you can still get your stalking fix and to save you precious search time we’ve rounded up all the Obamas’ new accounts.


Barack Obama has returned to his previous Twitter handle where he’ll continue to be active after he and his family take a well-earned break.

Meanwhile, you can keep following hugger-in-chief Michelle here.

If you’re worried about losing all those glorious Twitter moments Michelle produced as FLOTUS never fear, her account has been archived by the US Archives and Records Administration. You can visit it and reminisce here. Barack Obama’s old tweets have been archived here.

You can also follow the work of the Obama Foundation on their Twitter account.


Michelle Obama has very new and freshly verified Instagram account, where she used her first post to announce she and her husband were taking a break.


Barack Obama’s official page featured beautiful and candid photos of the former president and was run by not-for-profit charity Organizing for Action. There hasn’t been a new post in 12 weeks, but we’re hoping that’s going to change soon.

Have a #blessed Halloween.

A photo posted by Barack Obama (@barackobama) on


The images Barack Obama’s staff posted at The White House has been shifted here.  While President Trump starts the account fresh.


Similarly to Instagram, The White House account is no longer a safe space to look through snaps of the Obamas, for that you’ll have go to the archived account here.

So there you have it, go forth and get your stalk on.

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