
The friendship between Barack Obama and Joe Biden is a love story for the ages.


As Donald Trump’s inauguration day looms and the world comes to terms with the fact a former reality star will soon be the leader of the free world, so too must we prepare to farewell one of modern history’s most beautiful bromances; that of Joe Biden and Barack Obama.

From the get-go, their pairing was the stuff of dreams. And as Obama remembered in his farewell speech last week, “the scrappy kid from Scranton who became Delaware’s favourite son,” was the first decision he made as a presidential nominee, “and the best.”

Together, we’ve seen Obama and Biden laugh together, cry together, make fun of one another, and work tirelessly together.

barack obama joe biden friendship
Image: Getty

They've shared hardships, like the death of Biden's son Beau in 2015, and high points, like their reelection in 2012.

Perhaps their greatest moment together, though, came last week, when Obama sprung a Presidential Medal of Freedom with distinction on his vice president - the highest civilian honour in the country.


In his speech, Obama joked about Biden making friends with Lady Gaga, hogging the Pope's time when he visited the US, and the love he has for his ever-expanding family.

"To know Joe Biden is to know that love without pretense, service without self-regard, and to live life fully," Obama said. (Post continues after gallery.)

When asked about his dear friend and soon-to-be former boss over the weekend, Biden's explanation of his relationship with Obama was simple.

"I don't like him, I love him, and it's a mutual thing," he told MSNBC . 

Yep, we're going to miss these two a lot.

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