
What's that? Daniel Day-Lewis to play Obama in new bio-pic.

Daniel Day-Lewis has really transformed himself for the role.


Is Barack Obama the coolest US President ever? Well, obviously.

He’s so cool, that Steven Spielberg is even making a film called Obama (after his success with Lincoln, it seemed like the logical choice), in which Daniel Day-Lewis will be playing Obama.

Yes. Daniel Day-Lewis, the same man who played Lincoln. Day-Lewis has set out to completely inhabit the role, even going so far as to wear prosthetic ears that resemble Obama’s.

You can watch Steven Spielberg and Daniel Day-Lewis talking about the ‘new film’ below:

… Okay, you caught us out. This is actually a spoof that was included in Obama’s speech for the annual White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, where the Prez once again showed his down-to-earth, self-deprecating side (quipping “I’m not the strapping young Muslim Socialist that I used to be”) – poking fun at his own popularity, as well as littering his speech with pop-culture references.

But serious question: WOULD Daniel Day-Lewis be able to play Barack Obama? 



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