
Sunday's news in under 2 minutes.





1. Prime Minister Julia Gillard is set to urge internet, radio and TV broadcasters to agree to a ban on the promotion of betting odds during live sports matches. If broadcasters do not agree, it is likely that the legislation will be pushed into parliament, before the federal election in September. 

2. The teenager who has been criticised for her racist slur against AFL player Adam Goodes – when she called him an “ape” during the Indigenous Round on Friday night – has apologised to the sportsman. The girl spoke to Goodes on the phone and apologised for “being racist”. News Ltd have published a letter from the girl, in which she says, “Dear Adam, it was good to talk to you on the phone. I’m sorry for being racist. I didn’t mean any harm and now I’ll think twice before I speak.”

Goodes said in a statement that he was “gutted”, but did not blame the girl. Goodes further said that young people needed to be educated about why racism is unacceptable.

3. Schools Minister Peter Garrett has said that the $5.5 billion promised to help close the gap between the reading and numeracy skills of indigenous and non-indigenous students, is at risk if states do not sign up the federal government’s school improvement plans.

4. British police, who are investigating the death of 25-year-old soldier Lee Rigby after he was brutally killed in a suspected terrorist attack, have arrested another three suspects.

5. A soldier in Paris has been attacked with a Stanley knife. The soldier was stabbed in the neck by his attacker, who managed to escape after the assault. The young soldier is now recovering in hospital. French President Francois Hollande said that “at this stage” the attack was not connected to the murder of soldier Lee Rigby in the streets of London.

Toni and David McCaffery’s daughter, Dana.

6. Toni and David McCaffery – who lost their baby Dana to whooping cough in 2009 – have spoken to News Ltd about the attacks they have received from anti-vaccination campaigners over the years. In particular, they have been accused of lying about the facts surrounding their daughter’s death as part of a conspiracy. Ms McCaffrey told The Sunday Telegraph, “… people mocking your child’s death – it’s just not human.”

7. A “miracle midwife” in Nigeria, who charged clients up to 1.5 million naira ($9800), has been arrested by police. News Ltd reports that the “midwife” gave her clients herbs, which caused swelling in the stomach and feet – and then after being drugged during “labour”, the women were given babies that were not their own. It is suspected the babies came from so-called baby factories in the country, where young girls and teenagers are forced to have children, which are then sold.

8. A maths genius in the UK who predicted he had a one in 285,000 of finding a woman who fit his age, physical and educational preferences is getting married this weekend. Peter Backus published a paper in 2010 titled ‘Why I don’t have a girlfriend’, in which he used the Drake equation – initially formulated to determine the number of alien civilizations in our galaxy – to figure out how many potential partners were out there for him.

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