
8 bad beauty habits we're all guilty of.

It’s time to come clean. It doesn’t matter how much time you spend watching online tutorials, perusing the aisles of Mecca Cosmetica or artistically arranging your make-up collection for an insta pic, there will always be some basic beauty things we do that we know we shouldn’t. Whether it’s because they’re time saving or you just can’t be bothered (me), here are the 8 beauty habits you know are bad (but will probably continue to do anyway).

1. Using make-up wipes

You’ve heard countless people tell you that make-up wipes are some of the worst things you can use to remove your make-up at the end of the day, yet you continue to buy them. Why? Because they’re quick, easy and can be used in even the most inebriated state. Who really has time for cleanser and toner every night when there are episodes of Girls to catch up on or a Facebook feed to scroll through? Bonus points for admitting that you’ve even resorted to scrubbing your face with baby wipes when you’ve run out and haven’t had time to visit the shops.

RELATED: One packet of these facial wipes sells every 15 seconds. Are you using them?

2. Not taking your make-up off at all

The mascara-smeared pillows say it all. Sometimes even face wipes take too long and we fall into a deep slumber without removing our smokey eye and bold-lip covered face. Some say lazy, others say getting ahead on tomorrow’s make-up.

3. Squeezing pimples

A guilty pleasure so popular they even made into an app for your phone, there’s something disturbingly satisfying in successfully squeezing a spot. However while it may seem to solve the problem in the short term, it really is recommended to resist the temptation and leave it alone. If you insist, at least wash your hands and do it before you go to bed, rather than just before that important meeting/date then smothering it with concealer. Not a good look for anyone.

RELATED: How to cover pimples and 5 other ways to win at makeup


4. Putting on foundation with your hands

Brushes? What brushes? Everyone knows that when you have exactly two minutes to get ready in the morning, your hands are the most valuable beauty tool there is. Foundation is on in exactly 15 seconds and eyeshadow expertly blended with your fingers. Warning: inevitable staining on your new white top can and will occur.

5. Keeping mascara longer than you should

You wouldn’t put a bacteria infested stick anywhere near your face, yet you’ll happily use year-old mascara on your eyelashes daily. After all, if you’re spending upwards of $25 on mascara, you want more than a three-month commitment, right?

6. Repainting over old nail polish

We’ve all been there – you’re heading out, look down at your fingertips as you’re locking the door and see chipped nails. You’ll toy with the idea of taking it all off and repainting, but know deep down you’ll just quickly paint over the chipped parts and hope no-one notices.

RELATED: How to completely disguise chipped nail polish

7. Ditching any form of leg hair removal in Winter

With legs safely tucked away into pants or those winter staple black tights, razors get given an extended holiday. Not only does it make your morning routine easier, it’s also functional, providing an extra layer to keep your legs warm. You’ll be happy with this decision – until you’re heading out on a Saturday night and want to wear your new bandage dress. It’s a cruel world.

8. Using dry shampoo and an updo to hide dirty hair

…and inevitably getting more compliments on your done-in-two-minutes-but-kinda-fancy-looking dirty updo than that time you spent an hour actually styling your hair.

Which bad beauty habits are you guilty of?

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