
12 bad beauty habits we picked up from our mums

Images: Giphy / Tumblr.

There’s no denying that we owe a lot to our mums. From fixing the bumps on our knees, to nursing us through our first break up, they’ve always been there. Except there’s a few things we wish they had taught us growing up, specifically in the makeup department.

Perhaps your mum wore no makeup and you were left to discover the world of cosmetics on your own, or maybe you’ve been pumping your mascara and making weird faces in the mirror all this time because she did. Behold the 12 bad beauty habits we picked up from our mums.

1. Pumping the mascara bottle.

It won’t put more mascara on your brush, and it will dry it out.

2. Not applying sun protection every day.

the importance of sun's never too late to start. 

3. Overplucking our eyebrows.

Don't panic, there are ways of filling them out again.

4. Not using heat protection sprays before blow-drying or curling hair. Ever.

Sure, back in the day they didn't have heat protectants - but they do now, and you really should be spritzing them on.

5. Teaching us that sponge applicators are good for blending eyeshadow.

6. Applying blush with a giant powder brush instead of a smaller contour brush.

7. Sticking to the same style for years, sometimes decades.

Sometimes a change is as good as a facelift.

8. Making weird faces in the mirror when applying mascara.

9. Applying blush in stripes.

Blush should sit in circles on the apples of your cheeks. Circles.

10. Using makeup past the expiry date.

Sorry mum - I really appreciate the gesture, but that five year old compact really isn't 'still good'. 

11. Thinking that brown lipstick looks good.

It doesn't. Not on anyone.

12. Not ever wearing makeup, thus leaving us flying completely blind.

Okay, so this isn't really a bad habit. But a bit of guidance with a bronzing brush would have been nice.

What bad beauty habit did you pick up from your mum?

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