
The ultimate back-to-school grocery checklist.

Thanks to our brand partner, DAIRYLEA

An essential survival guide.

We get a bit complacent as parents during the school holidays.

We don’t have to set an alarm, there aren’t any uniforms to iron or rustle up, and as every parent would testify to, the greatest thing about them is that there are no lunches to be made. It’s quite a luxury, not having to be super organised just to make it through the week…

So, when that weekend before school goes back rolls around, there is an audible sigh that can be heard Australia-wide, made by parents who realise that they need to get down to the shops pronto and buy some essentials for the back to school run.

Sure, there was that one time when I completely misread the dates and thought my children didn’t start for another week, but the beautiful thing about social media is that even when you forget, Instagram and Facebook DON’T.

So my advice is this: parents – don’t panic.

Here is everything you need to have on hand to prepare for getting the kids back to school:

1. Adhesive Bandages.

One of your children is bound to fall over in their freshly-pressed uniform on the way out the door on the first day. It’s Murphy’s Law.

“One of your children is bound to fall over in their freshly-pressed uniform on the way out the door on the first day. It’s Murphy’s Law.”

2. Wipes.

I don’t care how old your children are – baby wipes are a staple FOREVER. You’ll turn around and look at your child’s face in the back of the car, two minutes from arriving at school, and notice a big brown smudge on their cheek. The same child you told to wash their face before hopping in the car. Wipes are priceless.


3. Bread.

I know, a no-brainer right? Why then, do I scramble around trying to find something in the cupboard to make a sandwich with for lunch sometimes? Let it be known that my kids have had a ‘taco shell’ sandwich once, which was NOT appreciated.

back to school shopping list
A no-brainer right? Wrong. Image via iStock.

4. DAIRYLEA Strip Cheese.

A must for any lunchbox, and makes them the envy of all the other school kids.

“A must for any lunchbox, and makes them the envy of all the other school kids.”

5. Fruit.

Makes you feel sanctimonious for being able to pack your children’s lunch boxes with wholesome fruit and makes your kids happy because fruit is awesome.

Easy. Image via Istagram @wrightkitchen.

6. Identification tags.

How many hats have your child lost at school this year already? Mine has lost FOUR. I have finally gotten around to investing in some sew-on tags with his name on them and these suckers are hard to get off, so hopefully they will be returned to him instead of being lost forever.

7. A great book.

Oh, this is for you, now that you’ll have some free time to actually do something for yourself. Enjoy.

“Oh, this is for you, now that you’ll have some free time to actually do something for yourself. Enjoy.”

8. Dairylea Dunkers Jumbo Tubes.

An absolute favourite with little kids, big kids and the kid in you. Take one stick. And dunk it right in that delicious cheese.

9. Sticky Notes.

For those cute little notes you put in their lunchboxes to remind them you love them, even when you’re not near.

10. Some dancing shoes.

Because once they’ve gone back to school, you’re going to need them.

There’s no doubt we love our kids. But I think we all agree that we are a little happier when order and routine is restored to our lives.

So enjoy sending them back to school.

What’s on your back to school grocery list?

If you need some more lunch box ideas, DAIRYLEA has got it covered.


Want more? How about:

BEC: Dear schools. Stay out of my daughter’s lunchbox.

You’re spending about $2000 a year on buying your lunch. Here’s how to save that cash.

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