
'I've realised there are two types of November school mums.'

Thanks to our brand partner, OfficeMax

All mums know the scene: it’s November. Halloween is over. It’s not the pre-Christmas silly season (well, not officially, but a lot of shops would beg to differ).

So, you have a choice: do you get ready for the next school year now so you can knock it off your to-do list and relax all summer… or do you wait until January when your holiday mode is rudely interrupted by the last-minute back-to-school rush?

AWAY, back-to-school holiday interrupter. via GIPHY

Yes, there are definitely two types of mums (and in many cases, dads too) when it comes to November: the planners, and the proactive procrastinators.

Both mums will get a notice in November from their school, advising they’ve registered online with stationery supplier OfficeMax – and it’s what they do from there that will determine the course of… well, whether they can relax in January, or still have a book list to take care of.

So ask yourself: do you like the adrenaline of the January to-do list, or do you get your high from knowing you can chillax all summer? Are you a “one thing at a time” mum, or a “let’s just get it all done” mum?

When you get that booklist notice in November, do you decide “that can wait until after Christmas”, or are you determined that “every child of mine will be prepared for the new school year before I even put up the Christmas tree”?

You may be a pre-game planner, or you may be the kind of parent who’s the epitome of grace under pressure like this newsreader mum:

Like a swan on a river. via GIPHY

Either way, here’s the great news: if your school is registered with OfficeMax, either way, you are covered.

OfficeMax’s book list service makes it easy for parents of primary and secondary school kids to order everything they need in minutes. Just go to the OfficeMax website and enter the name of your school to see if your school has uploaded their booklist.


If it has, it’s only a couple of clicks on your computer or device to get what you need, and then forget about it until it arrives on your doorstep.

And this will be every parent’s favourite part: no taking the kids along to the shops. No parking to deal with. And almost everything you need for the new school year – including things like lunch boxes and drink bottles – in one stop.

Of course, you can do that in January, too…but here’s some major incentives to get it sorted in November, If you order early, delivery is free, and OfficeMax will guarantee delivery before school starts.

But wait – there’s more.

Ordering early will also mean you automatically go in the draw to win the cost of your booklist back.

Yes, you read that right. There are 20 booklist win-backs up for grabs.

Now that’s a real incentive to become a forward-planning November mum.

Talk about a way to earn a parenting A+; and your right to relax and enjoy the festivities of the upcoming social season, with a major new year task done.

A+++++ please. via GIPHY

So go forth and be merry when the silly season hits – and don’t give next year another thought.

Well, until it’s actually next year, that is.

Click here, or visit, to find your child’s school booklist for 2019.

OfficeMax is here to help you get back to school sorted so you can enjoy the holidays without their booklist hanging over your head.
If your child’s school has signed up to OfficeMax you can shop everything online for back to school from stationery to lunchboxes and textbooks. And by shopping with OfficeMax, you’ll instantly go into the draw to win the cost of your booklist back!
Click here to find your child’s school booklist.


OfficeMax is here to help you get back to school sorted so you can enjoy the holidays without their booklist hanging over your head.
If your child’s school has signed up to OfficeMax you can shop everything online for back to school from stationery to lunchboxes and textbooks. And by shopping with OfficeMax, you’ll instantly go into the draw to win the cost of your booklist back!
Click here to find your child’s school booklist.

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