
The best reactions to Sophie Monk booting Ryan after he questioned if she's 'worth it'.

Things are heating up on Sophie Monk’s season of The Bachelorette.

And by ‘heating up’, we mean that a large proportion of last night’s show was dedicated to the great Pot Plant Pissing mystery of 2017.

It was… riveting, really. Props to the producers for coming up with that Oscar-worthy storyline.

Missed the show? Read The Twins’ latest recap, in which one sentence gets a man sent home mid-date.

Nonetheless, it seemed that Australia still had a pretty good time watching Sophie Monk continue on her search for true love (James, it’s James, Sophie. He should win) and brutally kick a man to the curb for daring to question whether or not she was “worth it”.


Here are the best Twitter reactions from last night’s episode:

When we realised James was truly the man of our dreams and became irrationally protective of all of his feelings.


When Jarrod realised he and Sophie had ALL OF THE THINGS in common.


When the contestants weren’t quite grasping the whole ‘elimination’ aspect of the show.

When we start thinking about why Jarrod is still single…


When all the guys forgot that Sophie was an actual person and not a prize to be won.


When Osher convinced the producers to let him take an ad-break tease to a whole new level.


When someone you didn’t even realise was on the show doesn’t get a rose.


LISTEN: Michelle and Zara disect the latest episode of The Bachelorette and decide James is just one giant, delicious peach.

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