
The Bachelorette's Lee opens up about his difficult teenage years.


You’d be forgiven for thinking The Bachelorette‘s Lee Elliot appeared fully formed at 35 with a chiselled jaw and perfectly coiffed hair, dressed in those skin tight black jeans that were obviously tailor-made on his eternally adult body.

But you’d be wrong.

As it turns out, the man tipped to win Georgia Love’s heart — and formerly Victoria’s Hottest Tradie — was a dorky teen just  like the rest of us.

Lee revealed that after giving up competitive swimming in primary school he was so badly bullied in year 8 that he had to move school.

“I stopped training, but I kept eating like I always had,” he told WHO magazine.

“I was already chubbier, but I also had bad skin, braces, glasses and big hair. It was a hamburger with the lot — and kids will find anything to pick on.”

Lee added that he “never really stood up” bullies either, because “I was brought up to be a lover, not a fighter”.

“There’s far more to life than high school,” he said. “The older you get, you realise it’s all bullshit.”

Even so, there were moments in the Bachelorette mansion (presumably before slipping into one of his skin tight black T-shirts and manly-yet-soft cardigan/coat hybrids and catching his reflection in the mirror) when he still doubted himself.

“There were a couple of mornings I woke up and said, ‘What am I doing? What could Georgia possibly see?’ People mistake me for being confident and self-assured, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s silly, but it’s still there.”

Oh, Lee. Stop it.


(Don't stop it.) Source: Channel 10

We're also not the only one's taken with Lee and floored by his impeccable appearance.

Here's what his best friend form the house and professional sweetheart/fireman Cameron had say when he spoke to Mamamia on Thursday morning.

"He’s not normal, he’s made in a lab somewhere," Cam said.

"You’re not meant to have abs on your ribs and you’re not supposed to improve with glasses. He’s a bit of a freak and I literally don’t think he’s a real human being. He’s a robot. And the only reason I know he’s not is because he can’t sing for anything. He definitely can’t sing."

Obviously he tipped him to win.

Listen to the Bach Chat team dissecting last night's episode here:

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