reality tv

Why Channel 10 never aired Nathan's conversation about the Ali cheating rumours.


On Thursday night’s episode of The Bachelorette, 23-year-old contestant Nathan was sent home before the rose ceremony even begun.

Sydney builder Charlie decided to disclose to Ali Oetjen what was said about her while she wasn’t there.

The persistent rumours about Ali’s past with Grant Kemp, who she met on Bachelor in Paradise have been widely publicised, coupled with a number of leaked text messages.

Grant says that after the show wrapped up, Ali moved with him to Los Angeles, until one night when Grant found her cheating on him with a friend on the stairs at a house party.

You can listen to the latest episode of Bach Chat with Clare and Jessie Stephens, right here. Post continues. 

According to Charlie, Nathan told the other men in the house that he believed the rumours were true, and had insider information from a mutual friend.

When Ali confronted Nathan about the accusations, a heated argument emerged between the two men, and Nathan denied that the conversation was ever malicious.

Viewers at home were yelling at their televisions SHOW US THE FOOTAGE PLS but alas, the footage of the exchange that took place around the swimming pool was never aired.

And there’s a very simple reason for that.

“I’ll tell you, it wasn’t a choice [by Channel 10],” Nathan told Mamamia. 


“It was an off-camera, off-mic conversation, and that was purely for the reason that it didn’t need to be a public conversation.”

The carpenter said the exchange was purposefully private because he didn’t want to “drag her name through the dirt.”

According to Nathan, there was an implicit understanding among the men that words spoken off camera were not to be shared, and he “didn’t find [Charlie’s behaviour] fair.”

He added, “We were just all sitting around the pool and the conversation of the rumours came up. We all said what we’d heard. It was light-hearted.

“It was not trying to bring her down or anything like that, I just feel like it needed to be had.”

Nathan said the men were in the process of falling in love with Ali, and the subject of her past was inevitably going to come up.

Ultimately, Nathan said it didn’t matter to him whether or not the rumours were true. “Everyone’s got a past… and everyone makes mistakes. It didn’t really taint my decision at all. I knew those rumours before I went in there and it didn’t make me like Ali any less,” he explained.

Interestingly, following Thursday night’s episode, it’s not Nathan who viewers have turned on.

It seems to be Charlie.

Some interpret Charlie’s behaviour to be possessive and infantalising, as though she’s not an adult woman capable of making her own decisions.


What do you think of Charlie? Was he protecting Ali or was his behaviour inappropriate? 






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