
Cocktail party waiter who "flirted" with Bachelor contestants may have just spoiled the finale.

Guys, we don’t mean to be the bearer of bad news. And yet… we can’t ignore the mounting evidence that Tara does not win The Bachelor.

And by evidence, we mean the testimony of a Bachelor mansion waiter who was allegedly fired for flirting with contestants. (So, maybe not all hope is lost then?)

The waiter, Derek Reiter, was tasked with serving drinks at the cocktail party, but according to an “insider” he’s been doing a lot more than that – even asking some of the girls out.

Listen: Love The Bachelor. Catch up with Bach Chat. (Post continues…)

It seems he didn’t stop after he was forced to leave either, telling Woman’s Day he’s since been texting Tara Pavlovic, even asking her on a date.

“We’ve been in contact – I even messaged her yesterday and asked if I could take her out,” the 30-year-old told the publication.

While we don’t know what Tara replied – or even if she did at all – if Derek feels comfortable enough to ask her out, we’re going to say it’s safe to assume she didn’t end up with the final rose from Matty.

Meanwhile, an insider told the Daily Mail that Derek’s flirting antics had gotten so out of control that the contestants were referring to him on camera – and that’s when he had to go.

“Tara continually flirted with the waiter to the point where she called Matty his name by accident at a cocktail party,” the insider claimed.

“Tara even slipped her number to him before a cocktail party, as did Simone.”

Apparently, he’s also asked out Elora and Jen, while flirting with Florence and Leah. And if this is the case we totally understand why he was fired – it wouldn’t be great to have a waiter stealing The Bachelor’s love interests.


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