
There's a very good reason why we won't see an Aussie Bachelor wedding special any time soon.

When Sam Wood and Snezana Markoski found love and (metaphorically) sailed off into the sunset with each other on the season finale of The Bachelor, in 2015, we had one overwhelming thought:

When’s the Bachie wedding?

Then the pair announced their engagement three months later and things got even more real.


And last month, the pair revealed they were expecting their first child together and we (okay, just me, perhaps) cleared every weekend for the rest of eternity to ensure we’d be free to attend the wedding we would, of course, be invited to attend.

Or at least, be able to watch the whole thing unfold on live TV during the inevitable Bachelor wedding special, right?

Unfortunately for us, Sam Wood has put a dampener on our dreams, revealing that he and Snez have no plans whatsoever to film their nuptials for our entertainment.

And there’s a surprisingly good reason why.


Speaking to Daily Mail Australia, the 37-year-old revealed he and his bride-to-be have refused offers for their very own TV special.

“I’m not averse to going back on TV,” he said. “I’m just averse to losing control over such a special day.”

He explained it was a bit of a “can’t have your cake and eat it too” situation for the couple.

“You can’t say yes to it and think you’re gonna be able to do it the way you want to do it, at least fully,” he said.

“Through being on TV, that’s one of the things you learn: You’ve kinda gotta tow the line a little bit—and neither of us wanted that [for our wedding].”

We get it, Sam. When your whole love story has played out for the entire country, it’s only natural to want to keep a little something for yourself.

We’ll just have to be there to witness it in person instead.


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