
Nina and Eden reunited for the first time since that rose ceremony and it was beyond awkward.

The rose ceremonies on Bachelor In Paradise just keep getting better and better.

And by “better” we of course mean “more insanely awkward than we ever thought possible”.

It started with the whole Florence/Davey/Jake/Megan thing. Then Blake gave his rose to a girl that literally did not exist and we honestly would have been happy if the drama had stopped there.

But last night, things got even more intense when everyone decided to just… give their roses to the first name that popped into their heads.

Michael chose Lisa and started crying. And Eden, upset by Nina’s continued insistence that she would not be getting her smooch on with anybody – even him – until the final day in paradise, sent her packing and chose Elora instead.


It was the end of Nina and Eden… or so they both thought. But Osher, ever the mischievous drama-lover, had other plans.

Much to Nina’s surprise, Osher (reluctantly) reunited the pair on After Paradise, the online-only special that airs after each Bachelor In Paradise rose ceremony.

Watch: Osher reunited Eden and Nina on After Paradise.

Video via Channel 10

“Have you had the chance to talk to Eden since?” he asked a clearly still heartbroken Nina, before he declared “BECAUSE HERE HE IS” like some B-grade version of This Is Your Life where the only achievement being celebrated is being drunk for 10 days straight on an island.

What followed was more awkward than the fact that Jarrod is so sunburnt even his SOUL has turned red.

Nina immediately turned her body away from her former lover, prompting him to remark “the body language… obviously”.

Nina Eden awkward After paradise interview
If looks could kill... Image via Channel 10.

And when Osher asked how they both felt about sitting next to each other there was a full nine seconds of silence. (That's approximately seven hours in television time).

"It's good to see you," Eden finally said, before Nina responded: "Thanks".

Osher's face really summed up the complete and utter awkwardness of the entire experience:

Nina Eden awkward After paradise interview Osher face
"I've created a monster... and I LOVE IT!" Image via Channel 10.

It's safe to say Nina isn't over the heartbreak of Eden's decision. Sharing a message on Instagram after the episode aired, the 30-year-old wrote that "heartbroken would be an understatement".

"I never saw that coming," she wrote, before thanking the 34-year-old for "filling my Paradise with endless laughter, memories and adventures".

LISTEN: Michelle Andrews and Zara McDonald debrief on all the latest Bachelor In Paradise action and make a startling realisation about "new Jarrod".

"I always told you that I wanted to be someone's number one... I guess I just wasn't yours.

"I will continue to hold my head high knowing that I stuck to my values and will truly give myself 100% to an amazing man who deserve it."

First of all I want to say a massive THANK YOU to my amazing friends, work colleagues and fellow cast members. Thank you so much for supporting me through yet another crazy adventure I’ve dragged you all through. I felt so honored and excited to be given a second chance at finding love in Paradise. I can say I went to Fiji with an open heart and was excited at the opportunity to meet likeminded people who were also looking for this crazy thing called love. Although my time in Paradise ended tonight, my search for love hasn’t. I will continue to be the only person I know how to be and in the wise words of @waisgavidi , I hope that idiot finds his way out from under that coconut tree and into my heart. Personally a huge thank you to @lisahyde_ , my amazing roommate who was by my side every step of the way. @tarapavlovic & @florencealexandras for always, always, always having my back no matter what. To @alioetjen for the endless deep and meaningful conversations. To @samual.cochrane , you my friend are something so special and I’m blessed to have you in my life. And last but not least..... @yallintrouble ..... Wow, I never saw that coming, heartbroken would be an understatement. Thank you for filling my Paradise with endless laughter, memories and adventures. I always told you that I wanted to be someone’s number one... I guess I just wasn’t yours. I will continue to hold my head high knowing that I stuck to my values and will truly give myself 100% to an amazing man who deserve it. As another chapter closes.... I am so excited for the next one to begin ???????? #bachelorinparadise #fiji #bula #norose #single #seeyaparadise #heartbroken #values #nokisspolicy #truecolours #headheldhigh #singleandreadytomingle

A post shared by Nina Rolleston (@ninarolleston) on Apr 11, 2018 at 3:47am PDT


Eden also addressed his shock decision, writing that feeling his affection wasn't being reciprocated was a "deal breaker" for him.

"To me, a relationship is a partnership, a team, having differences but learning to be interdependent and finding compromise," he wrote

"I respected boundaries and wishes not to kiss but neglected my own needs. In this environment you learn and grow to understand that strangers may hold power over you and when they use that power to attempt to make you feel unwanted or small, I just think that's in bad taste.

"Tonight I had to make the hardest decision of my time here in paradise, but the decision I made was a choice I made for me."

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