reality tv

Megan Marx on navigating Bachelor In Paradise as the first openly bisexual person.

As the first openly bisexual person to enter Australia’s Bachelor in Paradise, Megan Marx was put in a unique position.

And she says the show’s producers didn’t help one bit.

The 29-year-old Western Australian, who appeared on Richie Strahan’s 2016 season, said going in to the show she had no idea of anyone’s sexuality.

Megan told TV Week this meant holding off on flirting with any of the women on the show because she didn’t want anyone to feel “uncomfortable” around her.

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“I didn’t want them to think, ‘Megan likes women – is she being friendly or hitting on me?’ So I was wary of not making anyone uncomfortable.”

And while the producers would have been able to help Megan with that information they no doubt collected from the contestants, it wasn’t something they chose to share.

Megan said she had assumed most of the girls were straight, and had to figure out the preferences of Elora Murger – who she may or may not hook up with this season – on her own.

“Production don’t tell you who’s straight and who’s not. I was just told there’d be people there who were into girls. I wasn’t told who, but we [she and Elora] had a spark initially.”

She said that she was also aware of what viewers might think, but chose to put them out of mind as much as possible.

“It was weird, but I tried to forget what the public might think. Because if I kiss a guy, they might assume I’m straight, and if I kiss a girl, then they think I’m a lesbian.”

“Being bisexual can be hard for some people to understand.”

So far on the show Megan has hooked up with Jake Ellis – who last week dropped Florence for her – and has gone on a forgettable date with American intruder Jared. Things can only go up from here.

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