
"I had no chance." How Elora knew her Bachelor in Paradise stint was doomed from the start.


Elora Murger just had a very ~ brief ~ experience on Bachelor in Paradise.

During her little stint in paradise she took already loved up Alex Nation on a date, cosied up to American Alex, attempted to strike up a connection with Tenille’s new man Nathan, and tried to convince Mack to give her a rose.

She was… busy.

But after just one episode, she left paradise alone.

The 30-year-old told Mamamia she knew from the get-go what producers had her pegged for, she was to play the role of ‘carrot on a stick’.

“I knew I had no chance [at finding love], it was all about strengthening relationships that were already there,” she said.

You can watch tonight’s teaser here. Post continues after video.

Video via Ten

“I am kinda getting sick of that role of coming in and taking someone else from someone. I want it to be my story for once,” she added.

The Noosa local hypothesised that perhaps producers didn’t really like her, or that they didn’t really want to give her a chance at finding love.


Either way, she’s still glad she went in.

“It’s fun, you learn a lot, and it’s always good for my career,” she said.

When asked if it was nerve-racking, being the ‘new kid at school’, Murger replied confidently: “Not at all, I felt like I was coming in as a senior. I’ve done this before, this is all their first rodeo”.

This ain't her first rodeo. Image: Ten.

She admits she was disappointed there were so many young people on the show this year, and thinks that's to blame for the behaviour that's being exhibited by the men. (aka gaslighting from Bill and obsessive behaviour from Ivan).

"When you put a lot of younger people on the show with women of really high calibre I think that's what happens," she told Mamamia.

Elora thinks Richie did the right thing by Cass, despite the abrupt nature of his leaving. When it comes to Ivan, Murger thinks it was a case of him overdoing it and driving himself crazy because he put his crush Tenille on a pedestal and "forgot to believe in himself".

As for Bill, she thinks his intentions were good.

"He was just haunted by his past," she said.

Elora knew during her date with Alex she had no chance of breaking the bond between the pair.

"I always had a little thing for Alex. We were exchanging a few messages before we went in there on Instagram. But you could emotionally tell she wasn't available," she said.

Charlie from Ali Ojeton's season was the other person Elora hoped to meet, telling Mamamia, "He was a bit intense on the show, but I could tell his intentions were good. I like someone who is a little bit older, someone who looks like a man".


The other point of controversy on this year's show, has been the male reaction to Brooke and Alex's date.

"I hope there's oil and like massages and that and that we get to watch it back," Paddy said to the group.

"That's hot. That's actually hot."

Speaking directly to the camera, he later added: "I'd love to be a fly on the wall for those two. You know... you can pause live TV now. I'd love to pause it on that."

His comments caused a lot of outrage, with his 'sleazy' male perspective criticised as objectifying the two women.

Brooke Alex
Paddy had a lot to say about the date between Brooke and Alex. But Elora says it was innocent. Image: Ten.

Elora has also been at the centre of a similar storm about the way the show has portrayed same sex relationships.

Last year, Channel Ten was criticised for running promos implying a romance between her and Megan Marx. It later turned out Megan was kissing a male contestant, not Elora.

But Elora doesn't see what all the fuss is about.

"Two women are always beautiful to watch really. That's a known fact isn't it?" she asked Mamamia.

She thinks Paddy's comments were purely curious.

"It's something that's never been seen on TV, and men want to know because I think they know we have something between us that's more intense than they could ever give the girl.

"They feel insecure and say 'what is happening' because they are curious and it's the unknown so they want to understand it," she explained.

Elora says she's still single, and finding it hard to find love in the little coastal town she currently calls home. But she's not giving up hope.


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I am peaceful and kind, I am giving and loving. I like to be seduced and I like to feel like I’m loved. Big time. But mostly, I like the little things. Nature. Waterfalls. Mountains. The beach. Anything that makes me feel grounded. But I also love to dance, eat and discover new cities. I am simple within all of my complexities and flexibilities. I long for a love that feels powerful and indestructible. Reality shows, Paparazzi’s, fame, island or country girl. I adapt to it all. And I feel like I can do it all. But how is it that the more you add to your list of life, the harder it is to find the one? Anyway, just a little diary note from my heart today. This shot was taken at a beautiful waterfall in Hawaii ????☀️???? - Wearing a wetsuit from @abysseofficial - #hawaii #waterfall #wetsuit

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"I think I just have to be the best I can be and attract the person I want, instead of looking for it," she said.

In the meantime, she's happy to chuck herself into any other reality TV that comes her way (MAFS producers she's keen FYI), and wants her critics to know she's not 'desperate' as they like to chastise her for online. She's just open to new experiences.

"It breaks me a bit [going on reality TV], but I learn so much."

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