reality tv

So, it turns out Jarrod Woodgate and Keira Maguire are living together.

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Pour yourself a mango daiquiri and get ready for this lil’ tropical-themed bombshell.

It turns out Jarrod Woodgate and Keira Maguire are living together.

Yep, living together.

Hurricane Flo has blown back out of town. Post continues. 

The Bach in Paradise couple told Woman’s Day they split their time between Jarrod’s family vineyard in Central Gippsland and their home in Brighton.

Keira’s even been helpin’ out on the vineyard.

“I help out where I can, whether it’s in the kitchen, feeding the goats and chickens in the morning, or getting the eggs,” she told the publication.

Keira and Jarrod also dressed up in their dream wedding outfits for the story and chatted about their future wedding plans and, erm, children.


“He’d be an amazing dad, he’ll be a cuddly bear,” Keira said. “I was told by a psychic I’d have a girl, but if we do, I think Jarrod will love her more than me!”

“She will be a princess. I see my mates with their daughters and that’s what I want. I’d be such a softie,” added Jarrod.

Boy, this escalated quickly.

Jarrod would also like everyone to know that he’s much more attractive in real life pls.

“I don’t know what the editing does but they make me flustered and red. I don’t look like that,” he told Perth Now.

“I hate watching myself on TV because I’m so ugly on TV. But then people see me in real life and they go, ‘Wow, you’re actually a tall, good-looking, handsome man. What happened?’”

OK Jarrod, we… we… believe you.

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