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The two crucial words missing from Nick Cummins’ rejections last night.

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Ah, Honey Badger. Nick Cummins’ really went and fudged things up on last night’s The Bachelor finale, didn’t he?

After baiting us with a diamond ring and talk of “wanting to find a life partner”, the 31-year-old decided to leave the reality TV show alone, choosing neither finalists Brittany Hockley and Sophie Tieman.

It was a Bachelor first that’s divided opinion. On one hand, some are backing Nick for not faking feelings for the sake of a happy reality TV ending.

The other camp feel ripped off and want their money back.

Both rejection speeches from Nick to the women echoed a similar sentiment.

“I am not able with all my conscience, to wholeheartedly commit to you right now. At this point, our journey comes to an end,” the former rugby player told Sophie.

To Britt, he then said, “Right now, I can’t give 100 per cent of me to you. My head is very cloudy, right now, I’m a little bit lost, and because of that, I have to say this time has come to an end and let you go.”

Watch the madness that was last night’s Bachelor rejections again below. Post continues after video.

Video via Ten

Nick’s rejection spiels also had one other thing in common that, regardless of his intentions, is pretty inexcusable.

Both were missing two important words that could’ve changed everything, but also say a lot about the kind of man Nick is.


I’m sorry.

At no point during either conversation (that we saw) did Nick offer Britt and Sophie an apology.

As Britt pried herself away from Nick to get the heck out of there, he instead said “thank you for sharing.”


If you’re going to dump someone without offering them an explanation – “my head is cloudy” doesn’t count – at least throw in an apology to soften the blow, right?

It would’ve been so easy to do.

“I’m sorry, Britt, for leading you on just now and making you think you were the winner.”

“I’m sorry, Sophie, for wasting your time… and for groping your bum in the hot tub.”

“I’m sorry, Britt, for making it really hard for you to go back to Port Macquarie. I know you loved it there.”

“I’m sorry, Sophie, for not letting you know I wasn’t choosing anyone and making you think Britt had won.”

“I’m sorry, Australia, for taking up four hours of your time each week for the last two months, all for nothing.”

“I’m sorry, Australia, for flashing a lovely diamond ring in the promo videos to make you think I was proposing to someone.”

“I’m sorry, Britt and Sophie, that things had to end this way. I never wanted to hurt you and I’m deeply sorry for the pain and heartbreak this will cause you. It’s not you, it’s me.”

See? Not hard.

Not good enough, Nick.

Were you surprised by last night’s Bachelor finale? Do you think Nick did the right thing?

Want to debrief about all things Honey Badger? Get the finale episode of Bach Chat in your ears below.

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