We begin with a group of women dealing with the fall out of Jen leaving the Bachelor mansion – for a reason that will forever remain entirely unclear.
Someone decides it’s joke time, and says “Jen who?” which doesn’t really make sense given that, um, we all know who Jen is, and no one has talked about anything other than Jen since she left.
But you know who doesn’t want to buy into the bitching?
He’s cool. He’s chilled. He’s casual Osher.
You see, Osher's been facing a lot of stress as of late, what with the organising of his complex but also flawed games, and frantic eliminations. But last week he counted the roses, one of his important tasks, only to have the rose ceremony cancelled at the last minute because Jen didn't give AF.
He has taken the week to recalibrate. Relax. Re-centre.
Osher reminds the women, "the only way to strengthen your relationship with Matty is spending time together..." even though, um, they literally have no control over that. He then awards a single date to Laura, AKA the woman who has spent probably the most time with Matty, while Simone yells, "I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING HERE."
On the way to his date, Matty explains that Laura finds this process "very difficult," so he found the need to check in with her, unlike Simone, who finds sitting in a house waiting to go on a date with a man who ignores her really easy.
When they arrive at some random park, it turns out Laura's already guessed literally every component of the date. They sit down to speak to a psychic (don't know why this is occurring in a park, but we'll go with it) and ask her questions that are frustratingly vague - which for some reason do not include: