
Your daily dose of cute: It's not a zebra, it's not a donkey, it's...

It's not a zebra. It's not a donkey.

This, faithful readers, is a zonkey, and it's the cutest thing we've seen all week.

This is Ippo running. Look at him go! Such athleticism!

This stripey little critter was born at an animal reserve in Florence, Italy and has been named Ippo. Ippo is the adorable lovechild of a male zebra, adopted from a zoo, and an endangered breed of donkey.

This little zonkey looks a bit wonky with his long legs and his big head, but we don't care. We want him.

Also, is there a cuter name for an animal than 'Zonkey'? It sounds like something you'd find on the shelves at a Zumbo patisserie. Apparently a zonkey (that is, when sired by a male zebra with a female donkey) can also be referred to as a zebonkey, zebronkey, zebrinny, zebrula, zebrass, zedonk, and zebadonk. (Try saying that ten times in a row with no pauses.)

The rarer form, the offspring of a male donkey and a female zebra, is called a zebra hinny or a donkra.

Funnest. Animal. Ever.


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