real life

The exquisitely beautiful photos that capture this family's tragedy

“We have smothered this little one with love and kisses and will continue to do so every moment we get.”

Abigail Jones was born on August 6 to loving parents Erika and Stephen Jones and big sister Audrey.

But the birth was bittersweet – because little Abigail was born with an inoperable brain tumour, as well as Down Syndrome.

baby with a brain tumour
Image via 8.08 Photography.

The family first discovered Abigail likely had Down Syndrome at their 18 week ultrasound, and then at 30 weeks, they received the awful news that a mass had also developed in the left hemisphere of her brain.


A MRI later revealed it was a rare cancerous tumour.

Doctors have told the couple their baby daughter doesn’t have long to live – and so they are determined to celebrate her life and make the most out of every precious second they have together.

In that spirit of celebration, photographer Mary Huszcza volunteered to take a photoshoot of Abigail for the family, and the pictures are beautiful.

baby with a brain tumour
Image via 8.08 Photography.

Ms Jones, of Florida, then wrote about her daughter’s diagnosis on Huszcza’s blog.

“Our hearts were broken and our minds weighted with questions and fear of the unknown to come,” she wrote.

Abigail’s parents’ have shared their story with the world. Post continues after gallery.

Video via “Erika

But she added that despite the “bleak” prognosis, Abigail is doing better than expected.

“Our expectation was that we wouldn’t have much time with Abigail after she was born, but our hearts leapt with joy when a beautiful pink baby girl came out screaming (and pooping!). She has blown us away and surpassed every expectation.”

baby with a brain tumour
Image via 8.08 Photography.

She wrote that the family is determined to make every day count.

“We have smothered this little one with love and kisses and will continue to do so every moment we get. This situation is tragic and unbelievably difficult. It feels like we are living someone else’s life, some other family that you read about on the news. We don’t want to lose our daughter. We want to see her laugh, dance, fight with her sister, ride a bike, go to school…we want to see her life. But most likely, her whole life will be weeks or months, not years. Our hearts are broken and ache for the time that we don’t have.”

baby with a brain tumour
Image via 8.08 Photography.

Our thoughts are with little Abigail and her incredibly brave family.

Here are more of the beautiful photos:


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