
"We're trying to have a baby. But not in these months."

When it comes to babies, you can’t control much. But what if you really, really want to?

My husband and I are about to start trying for a baby. They have always been on the cards, but now, it is starting to come to crunch time.

And of course, like everyone, there are several concerns I have with bringing a baby into the world. While 90% of them are most likely exactly the same as everyone else’s (can I get pregnant, will we struggle, the delivery room, and can I be a good enough parent?), I am fairly certain that this concern might just be my own:

There are certain star signs that I really, really don’t want my baby to be.

I am a big believer in star signs. While I don’t believe all the hype around planets in the universe predicting what will happen to you this week, I am a firm believer that the day you are born and the alignment of the planets has a big effect on your personality.

And there are some personalities that are just plain annoying. And quite frankly, I don’t want to live with for the rest of my life. Particularly in a child that is supposed to be sweet and adorable.

So, these are the star signs I don’t want my child to be:

No to: Scorpio, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Aries.

Scorpio: I have had bad experiences with Scorpios. Every bad boyfriend I have had has turned out to be a Scorpio (you think I would've learned my lesson). So no Scorpio child.

Cancer: They annoy me with all their deception and hiding their true self.

Leo: I just want to slap Leos with all their cockiness and "me, me, me" attitude.


Virgo: If I have a Virgo, I would be petrified that they would develop some kind of OCD behaviour with their perfectionism.

And Aries, well... I can handle an Aries, but it would not be on my preference list.

Yes, I am completely aware that not all Scorpios/Cancers/Leos/Virgos/Aries are bad. But there is a high chance. And I don't want that risk.

The rest of the star signs are fine. Which gives me 7 that I am more than happy for my future child to be. So...statistically speaking, I am not being that picky.

It is just making sure that I get one I like.

So I am thinking that my husband and I should only have sex on certain days when it will most likely result in a favourable star sign.

And yes, I know that I should just be grateful if I am able to get pregnant at all (I really do feel for those who can't get pregnant), but at the same time, I don't want a little annoying child with a bad personality who I will have to live with for at least 18 years (most likely 30 years).

I know you can't chose the family you are born into. But I should have some choice over the baby I bring into the world.

Did you consider what star sign your child was when you were trying for a baby? Or any other timing?

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“Please don’t tell me your birth story. Seriously.”

These are the T-shirts every pregnant woman needs. Seriously.

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