
"I confess... I pierced my baby's nose."

Well, okay…

Sometimes, the things parents get slammed for on social media are just downright strange.

A picture of their child in swimmers. Breastfeeding in a public place. Posting a picture of their stretchmarks.

But sometimes, it’s not surprising when the Internet attacks. This mum might be the only person who was shocked by the criticism she got when she posted a picture of her baby with a hoop in his nose.

“Anonymous Mom”  writes on Mommyish:

I always knew I wanted to pierce my baby’s nose.

I knew how to do it, as I had performed many piercings myself and a lot of friends’ kids had their ears pierced. I thought it would be cute and culturally unique and meaningful. Naively, I did not expect the backlash I got.

I prepared a sterile area and did it with a topical anesthetic in my own home and with a prepackaged piercing needle, in the smallest gauge available. My son barely cried — it was over quickly and healed remarkably fast. I couldn’t imagine anyone who lived in a society where circumcision (a much more dramatic procedure which I had battled his father throughout my pregnancy to NOT have done) is common, would have much of a problem with something like a simple nose hoop.

I was wrong.

This is NOT the baby in question - just a cute trick from the world of Internet memes.

Um, yes. While piercing an infant's nose is commonplace in some cultures, posting a picture of your home baby-piercing to a mainstream crowd in the US was always going to attract some heat, Anonymous.

The mum goes on to write that she eventually removed her baby's nose ring after one woman wouldn't let her daughter play with him at a doctor's office. She says she realised that her choice to pierce his nose was impacting him negatively, so she took it out.

Anonymous also says that she had her son checked out by a doctor, and his nose is unharmed.

But she's not alone. There are plenty of other parents out there interested in doing the same thing.

Check out this post from a BabyCenter reader:

This is an honest question, so many people talk about getting their DD's ears pierced but really what is the difference between that and a nose piercing?  In the group of people that I associate with, it's very common to have your nose pierced so why not have baby match her mommy? Is it really that out there? She's going to have to wait on the tattoos though.

Or this one, from Cafe Mom:

A friend of mine said that she wants to get her 2 month old baby's nose pierced. She has a super cute birth stone stud picked out. It's really small so if she pulls it out it wouldn't be a choking hazard.

What do you think?

In her defence, she said that parents get their babies ears pierced all the time. So what's the difference?

So what do you think? Harmless, or ridiculous? 

Like this? Try

Don't judge me, but... I'm mad at the women who ruined my kid's party.

I confess... I hate my son's name.


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