real life

Another beautiful reason to love MKR judge, Manu Feildel.

Our thoughts go out to the family.

In March this year MKR judge, Manu Feildel received a heart wrenching letter from a mother of an 18-month-old. Ashley, a young mum from Perth reached out to Feildel telling him that her baby had been diagnosed with a rare condition called Krabbe Disease.

She told the culinary judge that her son, Levi had a life expectancy of 2 years and that her son had a special love for Manu’s voice.

Today, Feildel posted on social media to let his followers know that the beautiful Levi had passed away.

He captioned the photo, “I’m really sorry to hear that the little angel has decided to fly to heaven already. I wish I’ve had the chance to see him and kiss his forehead one more time. All my heart is with you and sending you lots of love. Rest in peace my darling Levi xoxoxoxo”

The beautiful and sad photo. Image via @manufeildelofficial Instagram.

In her letter to Feildel, Ashley wrote, "Levi can no longer move any part of his body, speak, feed orally or laugh and smile... he requires oxygen and constant oral suctioning so he doesnt choke on his secretions... but he was not always like this, Levi was a massive lover of all foods, always smiled and laughed, and had almost started getting up on his hands and knees."


When Levi was diagnosed, he was the only one in Australia with the diagnosis at the time.

Ashley reached out to Feildel because it was MKR, and his voice that used to calm her baby. Watching MKR became their family time together and she wanted to reach out to the television judge to let him know the positive affect he'd had on her little family. In a time of sorrow he provided a calming voice that bonded them.

Feildel's response and the heartbreaking story was told on Sunrise. (Story continues after the video)...

In the interview, the kitchen judge explains that he reached out to the young family because he knows their story is tough.

He said that as a father of a 6-week-old baby, their story touched his heart. Feildel went on to explain that he wanted to record a children's book on tape so the family could play it to Levi. He also talked about planning a visit to the family prior to Levi passing away.

It's a beautiful exchange between a young family and a celebrity chef. But today our thoughts are with Ashley, Ben and their gorgeous little boy Levi.

Our thoughts are with the young family today.

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