
Rescued baby koala offers Australia sweet relief from devastating storms.


The storms that raged last weekend offered us one very small, very Australian gift.

A baby koala was rescued on Monday morning at Hawks Nest on the Hunter coast of New South Wales.

Louise Haynes told ABC she found the koala after she heard unusual noises coming from her chicken coop.

A small investigation found the small animal squeaking from its bundle of wet fur.

Haynes first thought she had found a rat but soon realised the cries were from a much more iconic animal.

Source: Screenshot/Facebook.

The Hawks Nest resident rushed to warm the koala and remove it from the harsh conditions.

"I wrapped it in my jumper and rushed inside," she said.

"It was cold when I picked it up, but soon warmed up and snuggled in."

Haynes rang Hunter Koala Preservation Society Care and Rescue (HKPSCR) and spoke to Ian Morphett who came out to assist.

The koala was believed to be the joey of a known adult koala that often visited the resident's eucalyptus tree.

Source: Facebook.

"We put the baby at the base of the tree to try to coax mum down," Haynes said.

"But she was scratching herself and trying to stay awake, like any mum who has been up all night with a crying baby — she seemed quite happy for us to mind it."

It was reported this adult koala has abandoned its joeys in the past.

The baby koala was taken to a carer in Port Stevens where it was placed in a heated basket and provided with food.

The koala was named Louise in honour of its rescuer.

Source: Screenshot/Facebook.

The Hawks Next koala population is considered to be severely endangered and volunteer Sue Swain said that was why "this little female is very precious".

The koala continues to improve under close supervision of the team.

You can donate to the Hunter Koala Preservation Society Care and Rescue by visiting their website.

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