
News in 5: Baby killed in dog attack; Cervical cancer could be 'eliminated'; Inside Oscars 'swag bags'.

1. “No words to describe the scene”: A 12-month-old girl has been killed by a Rottweiler in New South Wales’ northwest.

Family says a mother “fought with every ounce of her being” to save a little girl who was killed by a Rottweiler in the northwest of New South Wales on Saturday afternoon.

Video via Channel 7

According to The Daily Telegraph, 12-month-old Kamillah Jones was in a stroller being pushed by her mother along a street in Inverell when the dog attacked.

It’s believed Kamillah and her mother were on their way to a relative’s house for a Saturday barbecue when Kamillah was killed.

The dog inflicted critical in juries on the little girl, who, despite the desperate efforts of paramedics, died on the way to hospital.

Kamillah’s aunt, Ida Boney, wrote on Facebook there were “no words to describe a scene where a mother is fighting with every ounce of her being to save her baby girl”.

“Our family have lost our baby girl who never got a chance to live her life,” she wrote.

Ida also wrote the dog did not belong to any member of the family, despite police confirming the Rottweiler was owned by one of Kamillah’s relatives.

“The dog in question actually cleared a fenced yard – someone else’s dog not our family’s,” she wrote.


A family friend has set up a GoFundMe page for Kamillah’s relatives to help give her “the goodbye she deserves”.

“A beautiful little Angel grew her wings much too early,” Alisha Lay wrote on the page.

“She was loved and adored by so many. I am trying to raise funds for my dear friend as little Kamillah’s passing was so unexpected and a tragic accident.

“We would love to be able to give little Kamillah the goodbye she deserves, but unfortunately did not expect, and my friends family are having difficulty coming up with the finances on such short notice.”

On Monday morning, the page had so far raised $4,795 of its $6,000 goal.

An investigation is now underway by police and a report will be prepared for the coroner.

It’s believed the dog has been seized by the local council, and it will likely be destroyed.

2. A 12-year-old girl is in a critical condition after she was electrocuted by a garden tap at her Perth home.

Denishar Woods. Image via Seven News.
Denishar Woods. Image via Seven News.

A 12-year-old girl remains in a critical but stable condition in hospital after suffering an electric shock from a garden tap at a Perth home.

The girl, identified by media as Denishar Woods, had been watering the garden at a Beldon property on Saturday night when she received the shock and was rushed to Princess Margaret Hospital.

"The hose has gripped my daughter’s body and just taken her down and fried her," Denishar's mother Lacey Harrison told The West Australian.

"I touched my daughter and the current pulled me down onto her. I could hear this electrical sound going through my body and a burning."

A neighbour was also shocked when he tried to help, and Harrison has bruising and weakened muscles from the shock she received. Harrison had come to when paramedics arrived and said by that time her daughter wasn't breathing.

"My daughter was laying face-first still gripped to the broken copper post of the tap and she was dead," she said.

"I was just shouting 'please help her'."

Harrison convinced doctors to discharge her from the hospital so she can be by Denishar's bedside.


Energy Safety is investigating and inspectors have visited the home.

3. Australia could become the first country in the world to effectively 'eliminate' cervical cancer.

About 77 per cent of Australian high school students have received the HPV vaccine. Image via iStock.

Experts predict Australia is likely to become the first country to effectively eliminate cervical cancer, expected within the next 40 years, AAP reports.

The latest research shows there's been a dramatic decline in the rates of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) - the infection that causes about 99.9 per cent of cervical cancers - due to the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine.


The HPV rate among Australian women aged 18 to 24 has dropped from 22.7 per cent to just 1.1 per cent over the last 10 years, according to research recently published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases.

Before the vaccination program, almost all sexually active people had contracted HPV.

Because of the vaccine's success, the International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS) has for the first time outlined in a statement, published on Sunday, that cervical cancer could soon be eliminated as a public health problem.

The IPVS is made up of the world's leading cervical cancer and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) researchers, including Professor Suzanne Garland from the Royal Women's Hospital and University of Melbourne, and who advises the WHO and global policy makers on cervical cancer prevention and screening.

Professor Garland says Australia would likely be the first country to achieve the milestone of cervical cancer eradication.

"We are forecasting that over the next 30-40 years, rates of cervical cancer will drop from around the current 1000 cases a year in Australia to just a few," said Professor Garland.

"Our national HPV immunisation program for both boys and girls, combined with our cervical cancer population screening, means we are well positioned to be the first country to effectively end this deadly cancer," she said.

But the eradication is contingent on continued high vaccination coverage and improved screening rates, says Professor Garland, who's calling on parents to ensure their kids get vaccinated.


Currently, participation in the HPV immunisation program is at about 77 per cent of high school students.

Professor Garland says the remaining 20 per cent represents lost opportunities to prevent cervical cancer and a range of sexually transmitted infections linked to HPV.

"Some parents worry about safety but there has been so much work done on the safety," Professor Garland said.

"This is a very safe vaccine and you know you have got to weigh up any potential adverse effect against developing cancer."

4. Meghan Markle is set to be baptised before her royal wedding to Prince Harry.

Meghan Markle. Image via Getty.
Meghan Markle. Image via Getty.

We're just over two months away from the royal wedding of the year (sorry, Eugenie), but there's another official ceremony Meghan Markle must go through before she walks down the aisle towards Prince Harry on May 19.

According to The Sunday Times, the 36-year-old is set to be baptised into the Anglican faith by the Archbishop of Canterbury during a private service at Kensington Palace later this month.

Meghan, who formerly starred in US drama Suits, was raised a Protestant, went to a Catholic school and was previously married to a Jewish man.

According to The Times, Meghan's father Thomas is expected to attend the ceremony - making it the first time he will meet his future son-in-law face to face - which could take place as early as this week.

Meghan's mother is also expected to travel from California to London for the service.

While it's not a requirement Meghan be Anglican in order to marry Prince Harry, Page Six reports she is choosing to be baptised as a sign of respect for Queen Elizabeth, who is the head of the Church of England.

5. These are the beliefs that are keeping Australians from becoming regular blood donors.

Donated blood doesn't even last two months. Image via Getty.

Seriously ill patients could be missing out on life-saving blood transfusions because Australians don't realise donated blood has a very short shelf life, AAP reports.

Donated blood doesn't even last two months, yet new research reveals there is a misconception in the community that it lasts forever.

A survey by the Australian Red Cross Blood Service found 90 per cent of people did not know how long donated blood could be kept.

If they had known it only lasts 42 days, more than a third of participants said they would have been more likely to donate.

"Blood is a precious and finite resource, and blood donations don't last forever. In fact, the red cell component of a donation only lasts 42 days," said Blood Service spokesperson Jennifer Campbell Case.

The survey also uncovered similar misconceptions about blood donor rates, with Australians overestimating how many people donate blood and underestimating how much blood is needed.


More than half of the respondents thought at least one in 10 people were blood donors.

"But the real figure is much less; only one in 30," Ms Case said.

"And 80 per cent either didn't know or underestimated the number of blood donations Australian patients need each year," she said.

The findings have prompted the Blood Service to launch a new campaign to recruit 8000 new blood donors every month.

"We're hoping that our new campaign, which educates donors on the 42-day shelf life of blood, will motivate more people to donate today and donate regularly," said Ms Case.

6. The extravagant freebies all the Oscar nominees will receive at this year's awards.

Margot Robbie is nominated for Best Actress for her performance in 'I, Tonya'. Image via Getty.

Oscar nominees will receive lavish gift bags containing vouchers for a 12-night trip to Tanzania and a trip to Hawaii, as well as beauty products and holistic pet food.

The Everyone Wins swag bag will be given to all nominees in the best actor and actress categories, as well as best supporting actor and actress, and to those in the running for best director.

Also included in the lavish collection will be diverse goodies including personal training sessions, makeup, a trip to Greece, candles, an edible jewellery box, a cook book, under-arm sweat patches, weight loss supplements and a diamond necklace.

The gifts, worth more than $US100,000 are compiled and distributed by company Distinctive Assets, which also hands out gifts at the Grammys.

They are not formally affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and are gifted to the nominees ahead of the ceremony.

Lash Fary, founder of Distinctive Assets was coy about the value of the gifts.

"For years we have been breaking one of the cardinal rules of gift-giving by disclosing the price tag.

"Instead we are trying to start a new tradition by simply celebrating the fun and festive nature of this legendary gift bag," he said.

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