
Two parents share horrifying photos of their baby suffering from chicken pox.

It’s no secret that child vaccinations is a hot topic, with both sides of the to-vax and not-to-vax camp feeling pretty strongly about their opinions.

But for two Queensland parents, the evidence is clear.

Posting three photos of their youngest child to Facebook on Thursday, Queensland couple Kayley Burke and Michael Halyday gave followers compelling evidence as to why vaccinations are just so important.

Burke with her son in hospital on Thursday. Source: Kayley Burke / Facebook.

"Vaccinate your kids people... The pictures below show you exactly why..." Burke wrote alongside the images of their young son.

"Our poor baby boy who is too young to be immunised has caught the chicken pox... It has almost been a week since they showed up... Today he was admitted to Ipswich Hospital with a secondary infection..." the mum-of-two continued.

In the heartbreaking images, the baby is seen with large patches of inflamed and irritated skin, many of which had scabbed over.

Burke with her son in hospital on Thursday. Source: Kayley Burke / Facebook.

"Kaliah [Burke and Halyday's daughter] and myself also have the chicken pox fortunately since Kaliah hasn't long been immunised she has a few spots and blisters but is well in herself... Adult chicken pox is so horrible and painful I would much rather give birth with no pain relief..." Burke continued before adding her final warning to other parents.

"Bottom line if you don't vaccinate your kids you're a bloody idiot... Think about the risk you are putting on other helpless kids that are too young or who actually can't be vaccinated!"

The post has since been shared over 7,000 times since being posted.

Burke, Halyday and their two children. Source: Kayley Burke / Facebook.

Burke's warning comes following a recent chickenpox outbreak at a Melbourne primary school that lead to a quarter of all students being absent.

Despite scientific evidence consistently showing that vaccinations are not linked to high-profile medical conditions such as autism, the number of parents opting to not vaccinate their children continues to grow.

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